Eth 125 - Ethics and Cultural Diversity
Autor: msawyer2009 • May 31, 2014 • Term Paper • 1,358 Words (6 Pages) • 1,548 Views
Ethics and Cultural Diversity Paper
Michelle Sawyer
Don Yost
Ethics and Cultural Diversity Paper
This class has been very helpful to me. Before I had taken this class I never realized the issues of diversity within America. I never knew that there was so many issues with age, color, race, culture, disabled, elderly, and stereotyping. I knew little of the real issues and problems that face our society. This class has opened up my eyes and changed the way I felt about many things. The information I have received and the knowledge I have gained about ethics and cultural diversity has made me realize that much change is needed in order to become a more peaceful and accepting society.
It is not just here in the United States that faces many cultural differences and such a diverse society. It happens all over the world. America is where I live and it is very diverse. There are many people just like me that have had no idea about what really goes on around them. Reading and researching about the many different topics and issues has helped me to understand what is going on around me. It has made me realize that I needed change too.
I am a white female and I am married with four children. I live a diverse neighborhood and I have a great job. I carry myself very well. You would think that I grew up sheltered and always had a great family and life. However, I did not. I grew up in the ghetto and my mother was a drug user and I never had a father figure. With the way I grew up, I learned to hate those that were different from me because of the way I was treated as a child. Many people would think that if a person grows up in such a world full of hate, crime and dysfunction that the person would grow up to be the same type of person.
As an adult I can relate to many different kinds of people. I have learned how to be better than what I was raised around and taught to be like. I think that if more people where to have the kind of mindset that I have then the world would be a better place. I try not to stereotype, I treat others how I would want to be treated. I am a white person and I know what my ancestors did and I am not proud of that. The only thing I can do is treat others with respect and try to convince those that do discriminate that it is wrong. I try to look at each person as an individual and I try really hard not to stereotype anyone. Finding something good in someone no matter what is said about them is the best way to be.
With America becoming more and more diverse every day because of immigrants and the growing population of minorities we all need to focus on becoming a more ethical and loving society. The more we try