Interview Question and Answers
Autor: Jeff Yan • November 23, 2015 • Essay • 1,149 Words (5 Pages) • 1,139 Views
Interview by Jeff
- Please tell me something about yourself, and what plans do you have for this Christmas or New Year holidays?
I am a student of business school, I am planning to go to London this Christmas Eve with my friends for one week.
Note: Ice-breaking question and know the general plans for Christmas and New Year holidays to interviewers.
- Could you list three things that come to mind when you think of what Christmas means to you?
- Why these three things come to mind?
There are three things that come to my mind which are Christmas tree, the gift, and heavy snow because Christmas is a holiday for the western new year and people can receive and send gift to others, it is also a good chance for the family to come together.
Note: Knowing the meaning of Christmas and New Years Eve and how it is connected to personal insights. (Family, friends, travelling, food, lights, gifts, Christmas markets)
- Have you ever travelled for Christmas or New Year before?
- Why did you decide to do so/ why not?
- If yes, where did you go and why did you choose that particular city?
- What impressed you the most about that travel?
- If not, could you please tell us about your recent European travel instead:
- Where did you go and why to this particular city?
- What impressed you the most about that travel?
a) Because I travel for Christmas with my family, it is a good chance to improve family relationship and relax myself.
b) Hangzhou, because this city is popular to travel.
c) The nice time and special experience. In addition, I can enjoy the different culture.
Note: Christmas and New Year holiday experiences and motives for travelling, Also Europe travel experiences and perceptions they had had in that trip.
- Have you ever been to London or Paris before?
- If yes, what are you impressions of the city (cities)?
- If not, what do you think about this city (cities) and what do you think they are like?
Yes, I have been to London for four times and never go to Paris.
- Well, London is beautiful but pretty cold, and I saw lots of old British building and some old shops. I think it is the best place to represent British culture.
Note: Determine if the interviewees had traveled to Paris or London, and their opinions, knowledge, thoughts and feeling relating to those cities.
- If you could choose to travel to London or Paris this Christmas or New Year’s Eve, which city would you choose and why?
- Why not the other city?
- How long do you think you would stay there for?
- Would you want to travel with family, friends, with a partner or alone? If you were travelling to (the other city), do you think you would travel with the same people (or alone)?
- If not, why?
Paris, because I never go there before.
- Because I have gone London for four times, there is no fresh feeling to me.
- Maybe one week.
- I will travel with my family or friends, and I would like to choose the same people, because it will bring the happiness memory.
Note: Interviewees establish comparisons between London and Paris and preferences of the chosen destination (length of staying, people they would like to go with, relaxation/escape, excitement/adventure, education, social.)
- How would you go about researching and planning your trip? (e.g. Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet, official city visitor guide)
- Would you research any local websites or forums? Why?
- What sources of information do you generally find to be the most reliable when planning a trip?