It's All Politics and Leadership Analysis
Autor: charash • December 18, 2013 • Case Study • 1,233 Words (5 Pages) • 1,585 Views
Running Head: It's All Politics and Leadership Analysis Analysis 1
Running Head: It's All Politics and Leadership Analysis Analysis 2
In my analysis paper I'm going to compare "It's All Politics," by Kathleen Kelley Reardon, PH.D and "Leadership," by Andrew J. DuBrin, and show that both books are actually agreeing with each other. They both show us ways to progress in the workforce when your talent isn't enough. Both books provide different ways to achieve this goal and most are using the same tactics, just different terminology. I'm going to compare a few in my analysis paper and go over some example in my paper below.
Analysis 3
It's All Politics is a book that discusses an issue that happens all the time in business. Some people don't this type of thing happens, but it do every day and probably in promoted because they lack the political intelligence. So less capable individuals get promoted into executive positions just because they have developed business intelligence, and how to use politics in the workplace. The saying that most of us know is, "it's who you know, not what you know" will determine your success. In Kathleen Kelley Reardon book, she gives you different political ways to move from the mailroom, to the executive room.
In chapter 7, of textbook "Leadership," by Andrew J DuBrin, he speaks about similar things as Reardon. In this chapter he's agreeing with Reardon but he's giving you the ethical and unethical way of doing the same things. He's showing you how to use "Power, Politics and Leadership." As I discuss both books, you will find out that they are saying the same thing but giving different ways to achieve your goal.
In the textbook Leadership, DuBrin speaks about "Strategies Aimed at Gaining Power." This is basically the same thing Reardon is speaking about in her book, but she calls it "Constructive Approaches." Both are political tactics that will give your career the boost that it needs. Rather it's "Strategies Aimed at Gaining Power" or "Constructive Approaches," some of us has used these tactics before.
One of the strategies is that you should remember that everyone expects to be paid back. This is so true because I've experienced this while I've been working in my current organization. Everyone wants some kind of recognition if they have done something for you that came out successful. In my organization I handle all types of wireless communication devices and