Make up Art Cosmetics
Autor: Nicole Garay • October 22, 2015 • Term Paper • 282 Words (2 Pages) • 1,076 Views
All Ages, All Races, All Sexes. Make up Art Cosmetics or simply known as MAC is the world’s leading professional makeup authority because of their unrivalled expertise in makeup artistry. Today’s generation, make up has been one of the most sought after good in all over the world especially to women from ages 18 and above. Lipstick is the most common make up that people wear due to the fact that it’s one of the easiest cosmetic product that can be used. The fashion and modelling industry is known for utilizing heavy cosmetics on their photo shoots and models, however MAC was able to create a product that was able to withstand the bright lighting of the photoshoots. One of the most popular offerings was an intense matte red lipstick. The Puppini Sisters, a close harmony trio, named their second album “Ruby Woo” as a tribute to their favourite lipstick by MAC Cosmetics. First of all, MAC promises to be a distinctive product which signifies that you will create your own identity. According to an article that we have read, the consumers demand to be treated as individuals. And therefore, in the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the Ruby Woo belongs to two of levels in Hierarchy, women will want to stand out and definitely a very matte vivid blue-red lipstick shade will be an abundant choice. In the perspective of a consumer who wants to feel a sense of belongingness and have their own social identity, the Social Level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs fits in. Within fashionistas, if you are the only one not having that certain product, then you will have this feeling of not being in the right place.