Organization Development
Autor: Ashley Macmod • March 4, 2016 • Coursework • 463 Words (2 Pages) • 853 Views
Chapter 4- Organization Development
Organization development process- consist of sequential activities that lend to the actualization of needed corrections, revisions, adjustments and transformations w/ the end goal of optimizing organization effectiveness
*Organization development Process
Contracting an OD Relationship
* Identifying organizational issues
* Determining the client
* Selecting and hiring a qualified & Appropriate OD Professional
* Process Consultation skills – are those aimed at helping the clients discern, understand, diagnose & act on situations in org environment
* Developing an OD contract
*Organizational diagnosis- systematic approach of determining & examining the exact nature of the problem, identifying and underlying causes, & providing basis by w/c solution can be presented.
Diagnostic Models
* Analytical Model- interdepartmental issues in marketing, finance, production, human resource & technology
* Emergent-Group model- studies behavior in work, effectiveness of teams
* Management Consulting Model- analyzes six significant factors in organization (Planning, staffing, organizing,, directing & controlling)
* Socio-technical model- social and technological interaction in the environment
Diagnostic Process
* Identify the possible problem areas
* Gathering relevant data & information
* Classifying, analyzing & presenting gathered data to the client
* Specifying target clients
* Selecting appropriate change intervention strategies
* Determining the degree of change attained
* Implementing the change
Collecting diagnostic Information
* Unobtrusive data- secondary data gathered from company records & other historical sources.
* Data collection process
* Clear definition of objectives