Sprint Performance Management System
Autor: Douglas Tennyson • July 9, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,777 Words (12 Pages) • 1,153 Views
Sprint Performance Management System
Douglas Tennyson
Excelsior College
Every company needs to have a performance management system in place to build employees into what the company desires from them, to help them retain the best employees and to assist with active communication. Sprint seems to have a performance management system today that is much better than it was previously and this paper will explore the current performance management system and compare it to the old one and also make recommendations as to what Sprint can do to improve their current system.
Sprint is a telecommunications company that specializes in mobile devices and mobile service. They currently hold fourth place in the mobile provider market being overtaken by T-mobile in 2015 according to a report on RCwireless.com with Verizon and AT&T maintaining a firm grip at the top of the market share. "The report found that "no major shifts in market share among the major four carriers" between now and 2020" (Kinney, S. (2015).
One of Sprint's bigger problems was their employee turnover rate; they were losing employees faster than they were getting new ones. This would be a problem for any company, but especially for a company that is in the cutthroat business of cell phones and service. Trying to grow and take more of the market when you can't keep the trained employees created a problem for Sprint and they knew they needed to address this. "In July 2002, Towers Perrin released a study of HR professionals, in which 75 percent of respondents said retention of high performers is their number 1 people-related issue" Taylor, C, 2016). A strong performance management system will help minimize turnover of desirable employees among other things.
For this paper, I wrote two previous papers; the first one dealt with The mission and strategy of the organization, The products or services of the organization, The organization's internal strengths and weaknesses, The external environment in which the organization operates (opportunities and threats) and Performance management policies and practices. The second one dealt with; An overview of the key features of the organization's performance management system, A description of how the various processes interrelate and write An annotated bibliography.
A quick summary of the first paper follows; Sprint has a great training plan for their employees but needs to improve their coverage area and data speeds in order to move ahead of T-Mobile and start challenging Verizon and AT&T for shares of the market. The online performance management tool Sprint uses and the company wanting to ensure constant conversation between supervisors and employees is also a step in the right direction. If they train and promote their employees, the employees will be satisfied and make them loyal to the company which may make the company better and more profitable. Also, according to Kimball, the external analysis is "threat of new entrants, power of buyers, threat of substitutes, power of suppliers and competitor rivalry". And the internal analysis is "core competencies, valuable, rare, costly to imitate and organized to capture value" (2015).