Ghd Company - Twisted Fairytales - Advertisement Case Study
Autor: moto • November 24, 2013 • Case Study • 964 Words (4 Pages) • 2,263 Views
In the text, the company GHD have produced a hair straightner advert featuring the themes of ''twisted fairytales,'' the advertising campaign features the narrative structure and connotations of traditional fairytales, but with a post-modern twist.
The first shot includes an establishing shot. Establishing shots are widely used at the beginning of a moving text to create the setting and the atmosphere, this gives the viewer a clear indication of what to expect and what emotion to feel. The setting depicts a dusky, joyless forest which connotes gloominess and melancholy. Beyond the scenery there is a soaring, cylinder like castle with raven creatures circulating around the castle, this is typically seen in fairytale stories.
We are then introduced to the 'protagonist' of the narrative story, the shot is a medium shot , this shows the full body himself, and other key elements which are significant to the narrative. The low key lighting is still continuous in these shots, which still emulates drabness and gives off a sinister feel . The man is wearing dark black with a mixture of silver armour, this again continues to fit the stereotype of the fairytale storyline. He is looking through a telescope (looking for Rapunzel.) Despite the fairytale 'iconography', they have been adapted to a modern twist, such as a stallion horse is now replaced with a motorcycle. Also his looks are adapted and twisted into a a modern way. His aesthetics do not fit the standards of generic fairytale stories, the protagonist has a ''rough'' and masculine appearance and fits anything but the ''prince charming'' standard which is set by fairytale narratives.
The third shot now switches to a point of view shot in the eyes of the protagonist, peering through his telescope. This puts to viewers in the characters ''shoes'' which can give the characters perspective. The camera is panning upwards, this shot is primarily and commonly used to exaggerate the size of things, particularly buildings.
As soon as Rapunzel is seen in the P.O.V shot, the music raises up in volume and in ambience, sound effects such as the motorcycle engine shrouding over the music, this could emulate that the journey is just beginning and rock music is sometimes generally used for action scenes in modern film (Kick ass can be an example.) The music is also a juxtaposition of fairytale narratives due to rock/punk music being often associated with anarchy and defiance.
We are introduced more to Rapunzel as she is shot in a medium shot, this shows the costume she is wearing and her long, silky hair (a signifier due to what the product is primarily trying to sell) The colours used in the shot are gold, silver and bronze anchored together they create a glamorous and enchanting setting. A shot with