Gung Ho
Autor: Clingyyy • December 28, 2016 • Essay • 297 Words (2 Pages) • 1,027 Views
Gung Ho is an American Comedy film which depicts many cases on how to manage an organization effectively despite of cultural diversity. As to relate to Total Quality Management, it is where the time when Hunt Stevenson have a negotiation with the Japanese executive director, Oishi Kazihiro to create 15,000 cars in a month and as a return they must have a raise in their salary wherein they both agreed. As days passed by, some workers have difficulty on maintaining what they are doing because of being tired and unmotivated. Also, they have been impatience because of the pressure they have given to them in order to meet their quota. There are instances that even though they face dangerous in their workplace because of defects in their equipments, still their focus was to achieve to create 15,000 cars which results to employees to give up and resigned on their job. The misunderstanding between Hunt Stevenson and Oishi Kazihiro became a great opportunity for them to realize their strengths and weaknesses towards their self and on their work. I learned that employer-employee relationship is very important to an organization because it is where you will understand the personality of their workers and used them as to how to make them effective and efficient on their work.
The quality of the management is an essential component to sustain the business in which the production and the operation of the organization depends on the employees effectiveness. Being a leader is a tough task but achieving its goals is a fulfilling in life.