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According to Karl Marx, Communism Is the Exemplary Doctrine That Would Make the World a Better Place in Many Aspects, Notwithstanding Why Still There Is Inflation, Corruption and Inequality in China and Russia?

Autor:   •  May 28, 2018  •  Research Paper  •  908 Words (4 Pages)  •  984 Views

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The communist manifesto is written by the two most influential philosophers, economists, sociologist, political theorists as well as historians Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. These two were commissioned to write a public manifesto to ensure general public about the communist ideology, tendencies, clearing misconceptions and how this can be useful for the emerging societies and industrial paradigm. Marx was the principle author, with Engels assisting. The Communist Manifesto was originally published in London in 1848. This short manifesto consist into the four chapters. The first chapter begin with the phrase, "a spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism." In that particular time, people were unfamiliar with communism due to the reason that all the European powers were demonizing its ideology and most of them were protecting the ideology of capitalism. The manifesto begins with issue of class division. Marx writes, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. “The Manifesto demonstrates that societies were always divided into ruling and ruled classes, oppressor and oppressed etc. He mentioned about the relationship between Bourgeois and proletariat. The chapter discusses how the bourgeois ruling over the means of production and exploiting the proletarian and how capitalism came to be the dominant mode of production. According to Marx and Engels, capitalism comply the method of privatization, it means less people will control over the capital and rest of the people will work as proletariat, in simple means exploitation of workers. An intensified comment made by Marx and Engels in chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto is that communism is an international movement rather than national, therefore it unites all the workers around the globe. The manifesto also rejected all the previous ideologies, according to Marx and Engels, previous doctrines one way or another facilitated limited population, or hence only bourgeois. Giving the example in their Manifesto "socialism" in fact serves the interests of the "bourgeois" it is "communism" that is really tuned in to the needs of the actual working class and that it is the solution to bring about the end of the conflict between bourgeois and proletariat.

In the giving text, Adam Smith resonated the benefits of free trade and why should we comprehend it. He begins with the importance of "specialization" and how it helps increasing in productivity. He refers the example, making of a pin. There are many people involved in the making process of a pin, and these people are specialized in their respected field. For instance, if it asked by a normal person to produce such products when he/ she is not familiar with the product making strategies then it will effect on the productivity and the demand would not be fulfilled. Therefore, instead of making everything by ourselves we should trade. The benefits of the trade are many, for instance if we have scarcity of any product then in the system of trade it is possible to import those products what we need. Furthermore, Adam talked about the importance of money and why we use money to buy stuff. The reason for this is because money makes it easier for us to get the things we want. If we could only get stuff by trading thing we already had, then we would only be able to trade with people who wanted our specific stuff. And that would be costly and ineffective. He further augmented that if governments stay out of the market then the producers/manufacturers always make the biggest profit for themselves. But if there is bigger profits for producers, they would focus more and spend more time and hard work making things that the public has a big demand. Also, market will always fulfill the demand of its buyer and will satisfied the need of buyers. If there is a free market, the cost of the products would be very low than in a system where there are economic barriers because the government would raise the tariffs and taxes that will automatically increase prices of the products. Now it’s true that along the way, some people will get super rich and others will stay poor. But Smith thinks that this is the price we have to pay for human freedom and an efficient market. In my understanding, both of the texts "The communist manifesto" and "the free trade" presented a very critical perspective about the economic system of the world. However, Adam Smith and Karl Marx held several similar economic views but differed drastically in respect of political ideology. They both talked about the importance of consumption as it set the demand for production. They both proposed an ideology to stabilizing economic system so people could take benefit from it. However, the main characteristics that divided these two most influential economists was: Smith was capitalist while Marx was communist. The other similarities was that both talked about the value of labor. However, Marx pointed out the flaws of capitalism in which workers had been exploited. As I understood both economists were born in a very different period of time, therefore, the problem Marx identified in capitalist society Smith was unable to experience that. Moreover both augmented very carefully and rationally, one can differ from the ideology but cannot reject it completely.


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