Disney World - Happiest Place on Earth
Autor: kloopee • May 14, 2013 • Essay • 1,551 Words (7 Pages) • 1,647 Views
Ken Luppold
Prof. Plourde
English 106
10 March 2013
Memory of Disney
Disney World is known to many as the “Happiest place on Earth”. In different phases of my life, I have enjoyed Disney World. Two of the phases are as a child with my parents, and as a parent with my four children. At these times, it has been similar but yet different in so many ways.
As an eight year old child, from what I can remember, I was told by my parents about one week prior to summer vacation, we were going to Disney World. The night before we were leaving, I could not fall asleep to save my life. I remember pacing back and forth in my room for hours, glancing at the clock which did not seem to move, but the yawns kept coming faster and more often. I remember lying down on my Batman covered bed thinking of what rides to go on first. Then looking at my clock one last time and seeing it was 1 o’clock in the morning, I must have fallen asleep shortly after. I was woken up by my mother at 6 a.m., and told to get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast.
I remember the car ride to the airport, I was so excited and talking a mile a minute. Asking about a million questions to my parents like, how fast will the plane go, how high we will be flying, how long it will take us to get there. When we arrived at the airport, I was so amazed at just how big the airport was. Then waiting to board seemed like an eternity. We were finally boarding and all that excitement I had turned to fear of my first time flying. I became quieter and quieter. Not too soon after we were on our way I fell asleep. I remember this because I woke up screaming with horrible ear pain. My mom gave me some bubble gum and the ear pain soon went away. I was looking out the window amazed at just how high we were flying and how small everything looked from this high up in the air. Then the Captain came over the loud speaker and said to ‘fasten your seat belts, we are on our final decent into Florida.”
As we were getting off the plane, I can remember the moist muggy air hit my face. It was not that I had never felt muggy air before, but just the idea of seeing palm trees. It was better than I dreamed it could be, still in amazement of the Florida backdrop because it was completely different than New England.
The excitement was at a point where I was ready to explode. The half an hour car ride to the Contemporary Resort from the airport seemed to take a lifetime. The wait was finally over as I ran into the entrance of the resort, there he was, the moment I have been waiting for my whole life and Mickey Mouse was 10 feet in front of me, running as fast as I could and jumping into his arms for a great big hug.
It was now supper time, and my parents told me that we were not going to the park