An Attempt to Avoid Death's Unavoidable Existence
Autor: GrimReality • October 31, 2013 • Essay • 2,395 Words (10 Pages) • 1,326 Views
We heard the bell again, and again, and again. Day after day it rang as loud as it had too so our ears could hear it. It was a constant reminder that death will come, that it has indeed come. The rebels could never stop ringing that bell whenever someone died, I accepted it as the truth, while others heard it and they were filled with fear and horror of what to come. The rebels never lasted long, the World Government knew everything. They created life and enforced it upon us, whether we wanted to live or not. I felt as if I cannot live anymore, life became dull, as I did not have the choice to it, but I still lived as it was bothersome to try and kill myself, it was near impossible to do so.
I wake up the next day, live through the same moments again. Getting ready for work, the constant mannerisms, constant road and constant people that I see every day. As I get on my transportation I look at them -the beings around me- some hide their faces with masks, while others walk with dull lifeless faces. I cannot also deny the fact that there are a few who seem happy, cheerful and as I see it, enjoying life. I look around me and all these cheerful faces anger me, I wish I could ask them what about life is so cheerful? The hundreds of people that are dying in the war against the World Government every day? Or is the unexpectedly rising rate of attempted suicides? How about all those people that cannot even live another day? Those people that are living through their last moments? (I always wondered how it would feel like, to feel that death is here and soon I would be gone.) I would like to confront and ask them those questions, but I already know the answers. They will answer me either with religion, or with love, the only two illusions that can force man to stop thinking about his own mortality.
For me death is what determines one’s life. It is the reason I should live, it is the reason I suffer, it is the reason that time is off immense value. People that are close to me, obsessed over religion, they live in constant illusions and refuse to simply see life as it is. Religion is a comforting thing that people are attracted to, because it creates an illusion, an answer to death. What more do we want, than to know that when we die, there will be a heaven, we will be saved, we will not just simply vanish from the earth like another animal. Similarly with love, people turn their loved ones into gods to attempt and forget about their own mortality. They need someone to protect and save them, from whatever is too come.
I always had dreams of the past, when I was young and life was worth living. How it all changed overnight seems impossible, but it did happen. When we were allowed to live and to die is when I was alive, now I am dead but still go on because there is a possibility that something would change. Hope, what a pitiful sad feeling it is an impossibility that forces us to live on.
The people of the World Government