Autor: XJasx16 • March 31, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,180 Words (5 Pages) • 810 Views
There are some inequalities in ethnicity and there are having access to healthcare, education, employment,language, leisure activities, health/lifestyle and also life expectancy. About having access to healthcare, some cultures may not be registered for the care so they are unable to access it. Also, if they do, some cultures would not allow male doctors to see female patients. Also about health, some black minorities ethnic groups rate of ill health are worse that those who are born in the UK. For language barrier, there will be misunderstanding between ethnic groups. For example: An Asian woman may not feel comfortable around a doctor from another ethnic group. This can cause a misunderstanding and a barrier because it would not capture the same meaning when translating between two different languages. Still for the health, Bangladeshi are the people with the lowest income household in ethnicity and this because of the poor housing condition they live and also the lack of knowledge of health. In education, some young children from different cultures get labelled and stereotypes are being poor and that is bullying. Also, these children get socially excluded from their friends because of their family background which then have an effect on their education. An example can be the gypsies and travellers. These types of people miss out on health care so they cannot be prescribed for a medication. Also, since they move around a lot, they do not have addresses. There are some stereotyping words that some people used for black ethnic group which explains of when black people were slaves and it is known as an offensive word but some black people do not find it offensive. Also the word “paki” used of Pakistan is said to be offensive to their culture. Lastly, in some ethnic groups, having same sex relationships are illegal as it is a taboo. Example is in some African cultures, same sex relationship are not accepted which, if there are same sex couple, those couple will be face the consequence which will result in death penalty (Poverty, 2015).
There are some inequalities for disabled people and these are income, employment, education, diet/exercise, family, life expectancy and also mental capacity. For income, currently, some disabled people are being pushed into jobs to get money. But some disabled people are not able to work due to how they are, they get to claim
There are some inequalities in ethnicity and there are having access to healthcare, education, employment,language, leisure activities, health/lifestyle and also life expectancy. About having access to healthcare, some cultures may not be registered for the care so they are unable to access it. Also, if they do, some cultures would not allow male doctors to see female patients. Also about health, some black minorities ethnic groups rate of ill health are worse that those who are born in the