Demographic Profile
Autor: Swan79 • March 27, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,532 Words (7 Pages) • 1,224 Views
This paper is about the demographics of Ottawa, KS; Franklin County, KS; Kansas, The United States, Ottawa University, and Ottawa University the college campus. Throughout the paper there is statistical data broken down into different subgroups in order to get a more defined look of the populations by race and gender. “Racial Groups are groups of people grouped together based on obvious physical appearances. The obvious appearances are hair color, earlobes, skin color and etc. Ethnic groups are people of the similar race or population who share culture” (Schaefer, 2011, page 7). When taking a closer, more defined look at the populations by race and ethnicity in Franklin County, KS, Ottawa, KS and Kansas an then comparing it to the United States it is obvious the massive change in the numbers. The data in the majority of areas researched shows a large proportion of the populations are Caucasian. The populations don’t seem to be as diverse as one might have assumed. Ethnocentrism could play a huge role in why the Caucasian population seems to be much greater than any of the others. Ethnocentrism is “the tendency to assume that one’s culture and way of life are superior to all others’” (Schaefer, 2011, page 34). It can often lead to prejudice and discrimination. “A prejudice belief can lead to categorical rejection.” (Schaefer,2011, page35).
The data in appendices 1 and 2 provides numbers and percentages researched from the census. The information has been broken down into six different racial types. The racial types are Caucasian, African American, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans and Native Americans. It is also broken down into six different regions. They are Ottawa, KS; Kansas, Franklin County, KS; United States, College and University. Secondly, the number of females versus males within each race that live in each region, to get a more defined look at the data provided, is broken down into male and female categories. Arab American data was very difficult to find in recent Census data. Therefore their data is combined with other another race or it’s not listed below. The data gathered is located at the end of the paper in charts and graphs. The data will give a close visual of each race in each location. For example, in appendix 1 information provided in graph 1 shows there are 14,145 female Native Americans residing in Kansas (U.S. Census Population Map, 2010).
Some people may think they know or have some idea of how diverse their hometown, college, or work place is but truthful most however do not. When looking at this data it makes one feel they’re not as aware as they thought. For example, looking at the College 64% of the population are Caucasian whereas only 12% are African American (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010)(see Appendix 2). It might come as a shock for minority racial groups. For example,