Ford Pinto Case
Autor: viki • January 15, 2014 • Essay • 1,697 Words (7 Pages) • 1,876 Views
Ford Pinto case
Theory of science
1st Semester exam
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Ford Pinto case
This essay is structure in a following way: first, ethical dilemma of Ford Company in 1968 concerning the launch of Pinto car will be identified; after, I will try to solve arisen problem from utilitarian and deontological perspectives. The third part of the essay will deal with the negative and positive freedom; later, practical usefulness of scientific management approach and Open book management will be compared. The last paragraph is dedicated to the conclusion.
In pre-launch test of Pinto model, Ford discovered a problem, which could cost many lives of their customers. A question arises: to modify rear axle in order to avoid fatal consequences, or not to modify it and attract customers by the price and earn extra profit? This ethical dilemma had been solved from the egoism perspective, based on a subjective morality upon management team's values and goals – the dangerous product was launched without modification.
If the management team was thinking from utilitarian perspective the decision would be different. Utilitarian believes that the right thing to do in any situation is whatever produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Ford aimed to sell 11million vehicles and so the company was ready to put lives of 11 million people (or even more, including the passengers) under the danger. If the product would be modified, the company would still be able to sell the product, earn profit and keep its employees- there was no risk of closing the company down if Pinto would not be modified. Obviously, the number of potential customers was much greater than the number of management team which could be affected by the decision to make the car safer. Even if Ford would have to cut the number of workers because of the smaller profit- that number could not exceed 11 million. From utilitarian perspective the right solution for this dilemma would be to modify the rear axle despite the sales and profit would go down.
What would deontologist say about this problem? Kantian deontology is the theory which suggests that a person should act only according to that maxim whereby he can at the same time will that it should become a universal law (Brooks, 2013). Would any of the managers involved in the production and testing of Pinto (meaning being aware of the problem) ever buy this car for him/herself or