Hegel and Art
Autor: angel_loving7 • January 12, 2013 • Essay • 1,027 Words (5 Pages) • 1,287 Views
Hegel and Art
According to Hegel, art gives presentation to an idea. The way the idea is presented and through which type of medium, is the determinate on what art type it is. I agree with Hegel that art gives presentation to an idea.
In Hegel’s “The philosophy of Fine Art” he argues art gives presentation to an idea. He gives three implications on how art can present an idea; the content must be capable of presentation, the content must not be essentially abstract, and the content must be entirely concrete, self enclosed unity and clearly individual. He uses his definitions of art to explain the foot work of his categories of art.
He lists the three different art types; symbolic, classical and romantic. Symbolic art is “The idea has not as yet found the formative principle within itself, and therefore still continues to be the mere effort and strain to find it (p184).” Classical art is “…the free and adequate embodiment of the idea in the shape which, according to its notional concept, is uniquely appropriate to the Idea itself (p184).” “The romantic type of art annuls the completed union of the idea and its reality, and occurs, from a higher plan,… (p185).” Hegel uses his implications of art to form the three categories or types of art. Symbolic art is an indirect and inadequate presentation of the abstract form. Rodophe Gasche explains that the three types of Hegel’s art types “…play a distinct role in bringing about the dissolution of the classical art form, and the transition to romantic art, which, like symbolic art, is a non-art ( more precisely romantic art is an art that is no longer art, compared to art that is not yet art)(Gasche p2).” Classical art is an adequate, concrete presentation of a particular something. Romantic art type is an adequate presentation of the idea itself that can be recognized though out the world. Romantic art has the idea shinning through the work giving the idea a bigger meaning.
With Hegel’s categories of art type he gives examples of what would be in each. Symbolic art consists of architecture, “….the Ideal is incapable of realization as a concrete spirituality, and the reality thus presented remains confronting the idea as an external fabric with which it enters into no fusion, or has only entered so far as to establish an abstract relation(p188).” Hegel explains that classical art type is sculpture were it “…make[s] the presence of Spirit stand before us in its bodily shape and in immediate union therewith at rest and in blessedness; and this form has to be made vital by means of the content of spiritual individuality(p189).” Hegel then continues to break down the romantic art type into more arts; paintings, music and poetry. Hegel explains that architecture and sculpture have color but with paintings”…posses differences of quality under more idea mode- that is, in the