Important Questions
Autor: Diegested • September 6, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,038 Words (9 Pages) • 1,224 Views
I. Give a fairly exact description of what is meant by these terms and explain the need for a definition which included specifics, details and examples for each item.
Are you in favor of....
a. ...Sex Education
-This shall cover a lot of interpretation since “sex education” is a program or system which is mandated under a statute of a country―scope and procedures differing from state to state. This is not only about instruction on sexual intercourse but a subject matter that shall deal with all issues concerning sexuality including physical development, sexual orientation and pleasures, values, decision making, teenage pregnancies, dating, relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to avoid them, abortion and birth control methods. What now will be the right view of this thing? Shall we consider it good and ideal for it will impart instructions about building a responsible relationship or shall we see it as a threat that shall set forth increase in cases of pornography? How about the stand of liberals compared to that of the morals? If we say “yes” to it, can we say that we are only open-minded or is it because we want to support other related issues like pre-marital sex? Do our “no’s” reflect that we are morally upright since we are to stand with that of the Church’s? Another thing is, if we say “Sex Ed”, is it limited to the corners of the school alone? Are the adult allowed to take this medium if ever it’ll be implemented? But most importantly, the different interpretations of this had been the burning subject of discourse between the political, pedagogic and religious institutions.
Sex education may also mean:
control over the body and liberation from social control (Sigmund Fried)
a subject likely to focus on abstinence, contraception and STI prevention
represent goals, not universal but current practices in school
supplemental self education for knowledge about safe and legal abortion
education with regard to human sexual behaviour and reproduction, designed to help each individual understand and control his own personality
a serious matter that shall be taught at home with parents as teachers
b. ...Death with dignity?
-Is there such thing as death with dignity? If a man died because he was slipped on a slimy area, does it mean he wasn’t dignified at all? The question may be pointing either a dignified death through a meaningful life. It is eventually, just before dying, leaving a legacy out of the noble things you’d done. Dignity