Child Obesity Has Become a Major Problem in Today
Autor: gummybears • March 28, 2015 • Term Paper • 804 Words (4 Pages) • 1,293 Views
Lorraine A. Wilt
Darlene Bennett
28 Sept. 2014
Child obesity has become a major problem in today’s society, more so than in previous years. Statistics prove that one out of every three children in America today are overweight or obese. There are many factors involved that contribute greatly to this massive epidemic. Most of these factors are completely preventable, but only with one’s willingness and acceptance to change can this can be achieved.
Fast food corporations contribute to millions of obesity cases each year, but the enticement continues on to gain the almighty dollar, which is not uncommon, but extremely sad on the fast food corporation’s part. With their many advertising techniques and cheaper menu options, it is no wonder why struggling families turn to the fast food corporations more often than not when it comes to feeding their families. It can be less devastating on your wallet, but ultimately your body will pay the price. Menu portions have increased drastically throughout the years, as well as the ways to advertise. With every opportunities at their fingertips, they seize the Internet, social media and billboards to make their products known. With a bit of will power and self-control, you, too, can resist the temptation.
Another contributing factor can be blamed on the advancement in technology. Years ago, children did not have the internet, numerous gaming consoles, Ipads and cellular phones. They simply went outside to play with their friends. Nowadays, that form of play has literally been stripped from them, as if they’ve had no choice in the matter at all. Technology has invaded the brains of today’s youth, so to speak. With that being said, lack of exercise also plays a major role in child obesity. Clearly, this is a choice for the parents to enforce and allowing this pattern to continue cannot produce positive effects of any nature. Parents: Be firm and set boundaries. Your child will get over it. Put time restraints on usage and send them outside to play. Exercise is a must for anyone, regardless of age.
Many of working parents struggle with time constituents. As a mother of three, I can relate. It’s not always easy or convenient to prepare a healthy meal, especially not three times a day, seven days a week for an entire family. Plus, take into consideration work, school and other responsibilities and it merely seems downright impossible. Planning is the key. Write down a list of things you want to change about your eating habits. Make a list of things that will help you accomplish your goals such as ridding your cabinets of junk foods to make a fresh start. If it is not visible to your eye, it is not a temptation. Simple things like this can be very beneficial, especially when you get hungry. It may seem like a tedious task, but once you are in a routine, it will become much easier to maintain.