Alcoholism: A Major Problem
Autor: Jen Olitres • September 29, 2015 • Research Paper • 3,803 Words (16 Pages) • 917 Views
A. Significance of the Study
Alcoholic beverages are probably the first substance to be abused by mankind. It has been recorded in many places in the Bible. The most prominent case of wine drinking is the one taken by Noah right after the great deluge where he cursed his youngest son for seeing him naked without covering him up (Genesis Chapter 9). Like all sin products, selling alcohol beverages is one of the most profitable businesses in the country. In rural areas, the poor have their own type of alcoholic drinks made from coconut and rice etc. Filipinos are seen as the number one alcohol drinkers in this part of Asia. Every year we consumed more than 4 billion bottles of beer and this does not include many of the imported brands of alcohol drinks and those consumed by the rural folks from their homemade alcoholic beverages. (Ang, 2011, 122-123)
B. Statement of the Problem
This research paper is about “Alcoholism: A Major Problem”, specifically it aims to answer the following questions:
1. What is alcohol?
2. What is alcoholism?
3. When did alcohol beverage originated?
4. How does alcohol work in the body?
5. Why do some people start using alcohol?
6. What are the other use of alcohol to man?
7. Is alcoholism can be inherited?
8. What happens when people drink too much alcohol?
9. How does alcohol affect the body?
10. What is the effect of alcohol to young people?
11. Why is alcoholic have fatty liver and cirrhosis?
12. What does alcohol do to the brain?
13. Why does alcohol cause crime?
14. What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
15. What is the law and programs to control alcohol in the Philippines?
C. Definition of Terms
The following words are defined for better understanding of this research paper
1. Alcoholic- a person suffering from alcoholism. (
2. Binge drinking- the drinking of large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. (
3. Central Nervous System- the portion of the vertebrate nervous