Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Autor: ephykariuki • October 15, 2011 • Case Study • 1,441 Words (6 Pages) • 1,998 Views
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
In connection to motivation, Maslow identified a hierarchy of needs that needed to be satisfied. He arranged these needs in a hierarchy manner starting from the lowest going to the highest. These needs were arranged in a pyramid where the lowest needs had to be met first before meeting the highest needs. He divided these needs in seven categories where the lowest four comprised of the deficiency needs while the upper three comprised of the growth needs. It is mandatory to meet the deficiency needs before a person is motivated to meet the growth needs. Deficiency needs include emotional desires, self-worth, adoration, and belonging needs and safety and security needs. While the growth needs include, needs to know and understand, self-actualization and aesthetic needs.
Physiological Needs
These are the most fundamental and important needs, and they must be met first before one is motivated for other aspirations. These needs comprise the basic needs, which include food, shelter, and clothing. Individuals cannot perform well if they have not taken food. For example, a student who has not taken break first or supper has difficulties in concentrating in class. This is because his mind is thinking of how he will get food to satisfy his need for hunger. Owing to this, various schools have started programs where food is given to students or offered at an affordable price for them to meet this need. It is appropriate for individuals or students to be provided with shelter or a home. This is a relaxation place relax after their days work. Schools have ensured that they provide the students with hostels where students go to unwind after their study. Finally, clothing is necessitated to meet physiological requirements. It is due to this reason students are provided with uniforms because learning cannot take place when people are naked (Griffin and Moorehead, Pg 92).
Safety and Security Needs
This is the second category of needs that individuals are motivated to meet after the realization of physiological needs. Safety needs are those that make a person feel free from physical, mental, and emotional harm. Security needs are the needs met when people feel that their fears and anxieties are suppressed. The school ensures physical needs are meet by provision of tight security around the school, typically in form of guards who will ensure that strangers cannot harm the students. Discipline committee ensures that the freshmen do not experience bullying; this ensures the realization of their physical needs. Mental harm is reduced by ensuring that the timetable is not clashing for students and those having this problem are addressed. The school ensures the anxiety and fears of students are suppressed when teachers mark their exams on time and ensure that no student has