Pain Actualy Helps Protect You from Harm
Autor: moto • March 16, 2011 • Essay • 342 Words (2 Pages) • 1,893 Views
Pain actualy helps protect you from harm. When you learn that something is hot your sense begin to recognize what will cause you pain. Our nervous system has mechnisms for controlling the experience of pain. one explanation as to what antrols the amount of pain trasnmited to the brain is the "gate control theory." there is a "Gate" that allows or stops the transmit of pain to the brain. Much of what we learned about the Gate control theory has been proven incorect but it is still the most effective explanation.
The theory also states that if one sense is being triggered while a pain sensation is occuring at the same time the one sense will "take over" the other. When i was little i was pretty familiar with mosqito bites. To ease my bits i found that rubbing the area around my bit stopped the each. This is an example on one sensation "taking over" the other.
there are at leat three substances that play a role in brains ability to block pain signals. There the neurotransmitter serotonin, natural opiates called endorphins and lastly the endocannabinoids. These are all chemicals released during times of stress. Endorphins act as a natural pain killer, released into your body when experienceing extrem pain or stress. Every person has what we call endorphin receptors. The more endorphin receptors someone has the more torlerant they are to pain. Endorphins can keep you from realizing a real injury. For example say you were a WNBA basketball player and were playing the national championship game. You would have a ton of stress upon you which would also me tons of natural endorphins. Say your experienced extreme pain after the game in you calve that you didn't realize before. The endorphins that were reales during the game kept you from feeling the pain of your injury.
Our neuro system is completely amazing. it knows what best for us bettter than we do!