Discipleship Counseling
Autor: Kibui • June 13, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,748 Words (7 Pages) • 1,673 Views
Discipleship Counseling
Counseling has been known to be done by psychiatrists since a long time ago. A new approach to counseling has been introduced. This is the discipleship counseling. An area mostly associated with Neil T. Anderson. It approaches counseling from a spiritual, Christian and biblical point of view. It has brought a new dimension to counseling. It allows the counselor to integrate God into counseling sessions.This paper discusses the book by Neil T. Anderson, discipleship counseling. It discusses the general information contained in the book. It then analyzes three themes prevalent in the book. The three themes discussed are;Jesus the wonderful counselor, the steps to freedom in Christ, and mental health according to the bible.
Discipleship counseling according to Anderson’s book is based on the biblical forms of discipleship. The book talks about counseling as a way of assisting people to be free in Christ. It explains the biblical concept of the person as a whole in the concept of body, mind, soul, and spirit. It provides counselors with confidence, comfort, and competence in their job as spiritual leaders and encourager. It provides them with techniques to use when assisting counselees with their emotional and spiritual problems it teaches on application of bible and Christ’s principles on daily life and overcoming problems. It also teaches on how to set up ministries in discipleship counseling in the churches.The book explains mental health from a holistic point of view. It defines the concept of mental health in a Christian viewing. It explains discipleship counseling and God’s role in the process (Collins, 1980). Anderson expounds on the topic of freedom in Christ and the steps taken to acquire the freedom. He explains that freedom in Christ can be used as a tool to solve issues between God and man. Anderson also views mental health in a different way. He views it from a biblical point and believes the cure can only be found in the bible and teachings of Christianity (Tan, 2011). He illustrates steps to freedom in Christ. He believes that the only way that a man can be free is through Jesus Christ. This paper is going to discuss themes from this book by Neil T. Anderson. There are three themes that will be discussed in this paper; Jesus the wonderful counselor, the steps to freedom in Christ, and mental health according to the bible. All these themes are meant to assist people suffering from mental illnesses. The three themes are discussed below;