Rel 134 - Understanding Islam
Autor: dchase5936 • November 16, 2015 • Research Paper • 786 Words (4 Pages) • 1,102 Views
Understanding Islam
Deborah Chase
November 9, 2015
Professor Reyes
The History of Islam
Islam began in Mecca around 610 (Common Era). It is a monotheistic religion that was founded on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. The story told states that an angel Gabriel visited Muhammad in a cave where traveled yearly to pray and fact revealed the first revelations of the Quran then tells him that he was God’s prophet. At the time there was civil unrest in Mecca with many different religious beliefs. Muhammad doubted the revelation initially however he would speak amongst the people who didn’t believe in the beginning. His message was mainly about kindness and taking care of the poor and the weak. Islam’s religions is based upon the fact that there is only one God to worship. Under the Islam religion their God is called Allah. Islam basically means to surrender. Muslims believe that Muhammad was a man that showed perfection in his life which they revered him as the ideal human being a model for all. Muslims believe that Allah controls all aspects of life.
Element of Muslims
The holy book which all Muslims looks to for guidance is called the Quran. Muslims believes that the Quran is the actual speech of God. The quadrant is the collection of God revelations to the Prophet. The Quran provides law and commandments in which Muslims must live by. The Quran contains religious beliefs, worship, prayer, and morality of the people.
The five pillars of Islam outlines the Muslim life. It is the religious practice that all Muslims will adhere too. The pillars are the testimony of faith – the most important pillar, an expression that states that there is no God but God. Daily prayers which Muslims are required to complete 5 times a day. Giving Zakat, support of the needy. Muslims must fast from dawn until sundown abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. Finally, all Muslims are required to make the trek (pilgrimage) to Mecca. The Pilgrimage focuses on visiting the Kaaba. The pillars of Islam are critically important to all Muslims.
Ramadan is the holy month for fasting, introspecting and prayer amongst the Muslim religions. Fasting is one of the five principles for Islam. During this time Muslims do not eat or drink anything from dawn until sundown. They are required to avoid any impure thoughts and behavior. The ending of Ramadan is a three day celebration. The Prophet Muhammed said whoever fast during the month of Ramadan while believing in Allah and seeking his rewards, will have his past sins forgiven.
Differences amongst the Branches of Islam