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Rel 134 - Understanding Islam

Autor:   •  May 22, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  1,467 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,478 Views

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Understanding Islam

Tuesday VanTuyl


May 16, 2016

Dr. Catherine Reyes

Understanding Islam

 Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, second only to Christianity is size. According to Lipka, Islam made up 23% of the world’s religious population in 2010 and is expected to surpass Christianity by 2050 (2015). A predominately Christian society coupled with recent world events has led many to meet people of Islam with bias and prejudice. Now more than ever, it is necessary to gain understanding into Islam. This paper will look at the history of Islam as well as its sacred text, core beliefs, practices, and religious branches.

History of Islam

Islam was born out of Mecca in the 7th century from the Prophet Muhammad (Gascoigne, 2001). During this time in Mecca, many different religions were practiced. Some of which were monotheistic like Islam's religious cousins Christianity and Judaism but others worshiped many gods. It was on Mount Hira that Muhammad was said to have received his first message from God delivered by the archangel Gabriel (Gascoigne, 2001). The translation of the word Islam means "surrender" to God. The core belief of Islam is in “an all-powerful, transcendent God who has created the universe and who controls it down to the smallest detail” (Molloy, 2016 pg. 415).


        The Qur’an is the sacred text of the Islam religion. Muslims believe it to be the word of God which was delivered to the Prophet Muhammad (Molloy, 2016). While it has been translated into many languages, the Arabic version is considered to be the only true authority (Molloy, 2016). The Qur'an is divided into 114 chapters which are called suras and are arranged from longest to shortest, without regard for chronological order (Molloy, 2016). The Qur’an is the primary source of Muslim faith and practice. It serves not only as a tool for worship but includes guidelines for society, individual conduct and economics.

Five Pillars

        The five pillars of Islam are the primary obligations of each Muslim (The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, 2016).  Pillars refer to the core elements that support the Islam faith. During their lifetime, each Muslim is to satisfy each of the following obligations.


The first pillar is the Shahadah, which means profession of faith (Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, 2016). The creed is often written in doorways of homes and on the walls of Mosques and is the first words whispered in the ear of a newborn (Molloy, 2016). The recital of the phrase "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger" when said in true belief, is the way that Muslims commit themselves to Islam (Molloy, 2016).


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