Living in Space
Autor: HazzBalls2014 • June 2, 2014 • Essay • 407 Words (2 Pages) • 1,403 Views
Living in space
Staying Strong
On Earth our lower body carries your weight. This helps keep our bones and muscles strong. In Space the lower body, back and bones become weaker, because there is no gravity. Therefor it is really important for astronauts to exercise every day.
In Space your heart and fluid levels change as well. On Earth your blood normally goes to your legs, your heart has to work hard against gravity to move it round your body. Thanks to the lack off gravity in Space, your fluids will go to your head. Your Brain will then think, that you are producing too much blood and fluids, and will tell your body to make less. But when you come back to Earth, you won’t have enough fluid in your body. It will take you a couple of days to recover, if you don’t you may faint.
Staying Clean
In Space keeping clean is much more work. There isn’t any running water, or a bathroom like we have at home. But the astronauts do have all their own toiletries, which are kept in a Personal Hygiene Kit. When Astronauts brush their teeth they spit into a towel or washcloth.
When they wash themselves, they use special soaps and shampoos. These soaps and shampoos don’t need water; they have to make sure that they don’t let bubbles go everywhere. When they’re finished they dry off with a towel and don’t rinse! The soaps and shampoos were original produced for hospitals, for patients who couldn’t get in the water.
Staying Neat
In Space staying neat is really important. Due to zero gravity things need to be kept from floating around aimlessly, and possibly damaging important and delicate instruments. The astronauts have to complete a few chores so that there living spaces are kept clean and tidy. One chore is to clean the walls, floor and windows with