Autor: tyler.lekki • March 29, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,109 Words (5 Pages) • 707 Views
Post Baccalaureate Program - Enrichment Session
Summer 2015
Charles Jones
Research Assistant (Chemical and Biological Engineering, Ph.D.)
Furnas 914
Class Location and Schedule
Location: 258 Biomedical Education Building
Lecture and Tutorial: 7/9 – 8/14
Time: 8:30 – 10:00
Office Hours
Email or by appointment
Location: 913 Furnas Hall
None, but previous exposure to concepts in biology, biochemistry, and physiology are beneficial.
Purpose: Provide a base of knowledge in the area of microbiology. During this six-week section, we will focus on the world of bacteria and viruses, with focus on subjects related to health care. General microbiological concepts such as microbial structure, growth, and metabolism will be applied to such topics as control and pathogenicity of microorganisms as well as to body defense mechanisms and the immune responses.
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Pre-test: July 9th
Exam I: July 21th
Exam II: August 10th
Post-test: August 14th
Grading and Policy
Homework: 10%
Presentation: 20%
Exams: 70%
In an effort to introduce professionalism to the course, the following policies will be implemented: 1) all emails sent to the professor must have a salutation, be grammatically correct, contain well-structured sentences and paragraphs without typos, and a suitable closing; 2) students must be present during class meetings to receive or benefit from material or information being provided.
Additional Assistance:
Students who need extra assistance or find themselves falling significantly behind should notify the instructor immediately. Resources for improving learning skills and developing study strategies can be provided through Counseling Services (http://counseling.buffalo.edu). If you have a documented disability and are requesting accommodation, please contact Accessibility Resources (http://www.student-affairs.buffalo.edu/ods/index.php) at the beginning of the session.