Autor: bobosostupid • March 17, 2016 • Coursework • 1,721 Words (7 Pages) • 826 Views
PHYSICS 1415 General Physics II
Instructor: Dr Jason Chun Shing Pun (Room G17A, Prof S.H.Y. Fung (Room G13B,
Tutors: | Mr | LEUNG Chun Kwan | Gene | ( |
(tentative) | Mr | LIN Gengzhang | ( | |
Mr | YUAN Jie | ( | ||
Mr | ZHAO Yongfeng | ( |
Lecture: Tue 3:30pm – 4:20pm, Fri 3:30pm – 5:20pm; Library Extension 7
Moodle page: Important course materials will be distributed in the class moodle page. For students without access to HKU portal, you can access it by logging on
username: phys1415_2a_2012_guest password: please ask Dr Pun directly
Example class: In the second hour on Friday, we discuss how theories in lectures are applied to solve problems. While detailed solutions will be available afterwards, the key point is for you to participate in the actual working of these problems. (Please bring the question sheet and some blank sheets of papers to class!)
Tutorial: There will be a 1.5 hour tutorial every alternative week (time and location to be assigned). Attendance and participation in the tutorials will be considered for upgrades in borderline cases. Please bring pen and paper and be ready to work!
Laboratory: There are two compulsory laboratory sessions for the course. You are required to study the lab manuals and prepare for the labs before attending the lab sessions. Registration of your lab sessions can be done at (Deadline Feb 1; NO late registration allowed). You can check emails AND the course webpage from now until the deadline to receive your assigned lab sessions.
Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Tipler (2008, 6th ed., Freeman) Copies of the textbook are reserved in the Department Office for reference and for temporary loans.
Reference: Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker (2008, 7th ed., Wiley)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Knight (2008, 2nd
ed., Pearson)
Mid-term Test: A 50-minute class test will be conducted (close book, key formulae will be provided; it is tentatively scheduled on March 26 (Tue) during lecture time.
Assignments: Available on a roughly two-week basis. Please drop them into the drop-in box on 1st floor before the deadline. Late assignments will not be accepted with NO exceptions.