The Total Woman by Marabel Morgan
Autor: Olly • October 28, 2016 • Study Guide • 434 Words (2 Pages) • 1,094 Views
Tutor Marked Assignment D
(a)The Total Woman by Marabel Morgan was the anti-feminist of her day. She expresses how women should serve their husbands and in turn what they will get back from them. She helps woman how to treat and respect their husbands and in turn what they will get back from them.
The female eunuch is completely different. On the other hand Greer argues that men hate woman and could do without them. She also points out how men view themselves as the higher ones and the ones who have the monopoly of knowledge, and how the woman felt helpless irritable and trapped. What also comes across in her strong feeling about men and woman together is that she thinks woman don't need husbands as they “let them down”.
(b)If you are a disorganised housewife who has been snapping at your husband, bossing him about for years, you might find this passage useful. It is about how to become more organised and to be great housekeeper. This passage from Greer is aimed
at women who are struggling in marriage or just it didn't turn out to be what was expected. What comes across is that she actually encourages divorce. This is emphasised earlier on in the passage how she says men let them (the women) down.
(c)When Greer mentions about being a complete person she means woman who have strived to keep the same personality they've always had which means to still be caring and loving towards there husband even though they may only see the back of his newspaper at time. When Morgan speaks about “The Total Woman” She means a woman who is not a slave who is constantly at her husband’s demand.
(d)These writers would disagree on a number of things. Firstly Greer thinks woman shouldn't get married as it would come as a detriment to the lady. Although they both understand and acknowledge that all young ladies get married and some point in their lives. Marabel gives advice on how women should live their lives with their husband. For instance she likens marriage to a monarchy. Although women have a choice once the husband makes the decision its final and that's it. Greer thinks men are thoughtless careless and are people who would rather be on their lonesome.