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2,223 Science Free Papers: 81 - 90

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  • Amines


    Chemicals 1-aminobutane (buytlamine), phenylamine (aniline/aminobenzene), glacial acetic acid/ethanoic acid, acetic anhydride/ethanoic acid anhydride, dilute NaOH(aq), dilute HCl(aq), phenolphthalein indicator, bromothymol blue indicator, benzoyl chloride. Apparatus 5-10 test tubes One 250 ml beaker Two 100 ml beaker Blue and red litmus paper Hot plate Procedure EXPERIMENT 1 * Two test tubes

    Essay Length: 793 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: May 15, 2016 Autor: Liyana Rashid
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (als)

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (als)

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a disease of the brain and spinal cord’s nerve cells that regulate voluntary muscle movement. With ALS, the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord (neurons) waste away and aren't able to send messages to the bodies

    Essay Length: 477 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2012 Autor: Scarlett16
  • An Analysis of Local Water Quality in Relation to Health and Environmental Standards

    An Analysis of Local Water Quality in Relation to Health and Environmental Standards

    Abstract Testing water of all forms is essential in improving the human health standard and the local as well as global environmental standard. This experiment will answer the questions, "what source of water is the healthiest for human consumption, and whether bottled water is really worth all of the environmental

    Essay Length: 2,191 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: February 2, 2014 Autor: tommyg03
  • An Investment Analysis of Flat Bed Dryer

    An Investment Analysis of Flat Bed Dryer

    Celine Joy A. Dela Peña Sept. 20, 2016 2011-45376 Sept. 27, 2016 Exercise no. 6 An Investment Analysis of Flat Bed Dryer Sample computations: * Electricity: P15.00 x 3 kW x 16 hours x 90 days = 64,800 * Kerosene: P40.00 x 2 Li x 16 hours x 90 days

    Essay Length: 710 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 3, 2016 Autor: clndp
  • An Overview of the Road to Immortality: Technology Versus Biology

    An Overview of the Road to Immortality: Technology Versus Biology

    [AN OVERVIEW OF THE ROAD TO IMMORTALITY: TECHNOLOGY VERSUS BIOLOGY]   Outline i. Cover Page ii. Outline I. Introduction - The advent of these new technologies will allow both biological and technological sciences to lay the foundation for both to bring us the ability to apply immortality to our species.

    Essay Length: 1,816 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 5, 2015 Autor: Nez Kashar
  • Anabolic Steriods, Testosterone, and Hgh

    Anabolic Steriods, Testosterone, and Hgh

    Michael Earner Dr. Jerald Cilente Drugs and Society 6 Apr 09 Assignment 10 1. (a) Differentiate between androgenic and anabolic effects of the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone that appears in small amounts in females. Males have a Testosterone spurt during early puberty which

    Essay Length: 2,222 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: September 19, 2012 Autor: mearner
  • Analyse the Causes of Poverty in the World, Especially in the Area of Sub-Saharan Africa and Evaluate Attempts to Address It on a Global Scale (40 Marks).

    Analyse the Causes of Poverty in the World, Especially in the Area of Sub-Saharan Africa and Evaluate Attempts to Address It on a Global Scale (40 Marks).

    Nadya Wigglesworth 25/11/2014 Analyse the causes of poverty in the world, especially in the area of Sub-Saharan Africa and evaluate attempts to address it on a global scale (40 marks). Poverty, a term that’s separated into three sections: relative, moderate and extreme, can be found in all corners of the

    Essay Length: 2,268 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: April 27, 2015 Autor: nmwigg
  • Analyse the Factors That Differences in the Hazards Posed by Volcanoes Around the World

    Analyse the Factors That Differences in the Hazards Posed by Volcanoes Around the World

    Chloe Coole Analyse the factors that differences in the hazards posed by volcanoes around the world (40 marks) A hazard is a naturally occurring event that has the potential to cause loss of life or economical damage. The hazards that are caused by Volcanoes can vary in size and depends

    Essay Length: 1,373 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: April 13, 2015 Autor: chloeleigh123
  • Analysing the Iron Content in Different Vegetables

    Analysing the Iron Content in Different Vegetables

    Analysing the Iron Content in Different Vegetables Introduction Background Iron is a mineral that holds many important roles throughout the human body. It is an essential nutrient because it is a vital component of haemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carry oxygen from your lungs to transport it

    Essay Length: 1,085 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: June 22, 2015 Autor: Implozion1
  • Analysis of a Research Report - Evaluation of the Act Intervention to Improve Nurses' Cardiac Triage Decision

    Analysis of a Research Report - Evaluation of the Act Intervention to Improve Nurses' Cardiac Triage Decision

    Analysis of a Research Report In the article, Evaluation of the ACT Intervention to Improve Nurses' Cardiac Triage Decisions, the problem is that only about 25% of the patients with acute chest pain receive an ECG within ten minutes of arrival to the Emergency Department (ED). "The purpose of this

    Essay Length: 1,193 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: September 9, 2013 Autor: Jane

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