Barriers to Acess Health and Social Care
Autor: tatyziinhah • October 27, 2016 • Coursework • 569 Words (3 Pages) • 927 Views
Barriers to accessing Health and Social Care and, describe how barriers to accessing Health and Social Care may be overcome
Britain is a welfare state health and social care services are provided for all citizens. Even so many people experience difficulty in accessing the services they need become of barriers,
Financial Barrier: This to do with how much it might cost to access a surgery. If the health social care or early years service the individual is trying to access is some distance away they may not be able to afford the transport costs to get there.
If a patient has to pay for medical prescriptions they may not get the medicine they need. Costs are becoming an increasing barrier stopping people from getting access to the health care they need.
Overcome: The individual who is not able to afford the transport costs to get in the surgery, he should contact the service to arrange a mobile surgery so they can go.
For patients who can afford to pay medical prescription, depend on their age they can get free medication. Also if the patient is not able to get free medical prescriptions he can apply for benefits or a medication passport.
Culture: Culture involves all of the acceptable practices for good manners and ways of doing things which are important to a particular group.
Example- In some cultures an individual would not make eye contact with a professional, such as Social Worker or a Doctor, as sign of respect. Whereas for other groups lack of eye contact would be regarded as bad manners.
Culture can also mean the customs which are particular to families and individual.
Example- The use of first names may be restricted to close family members and individuals would be offended if you used their first name rather than addressing them as ‘Mr, Mrs or Miss’.