Beo1252 – International Business Context - Research Plan — Japan
Autor: Liuyutong • May 2, 2016 • Research Paper • 3,833 Words (16 Pages) • 1,250 Views
BEO1252 – International Business Context
Research Plan — Japan
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Shengnan Han 3920330
Guojing Xu 4136104
Yutong Liu 3922953
Executive Summary
In a world of economic globalization, opening wholly-owned subsidiaries can provide more opportunities to expand customer base. This report aims to present all possible factors that could affect the establishment and the operation of subsidiary in Japan.
From the perspective of national business environment, Japanese has enthusiasm for foreign products and the depreciation of yen is beneficial to reduce costs and remain competitive. In addition, according to the analysis and comparison of Hofstede Framework and the Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Framework, the cultural issues of two countries are roughly similar, but CEO should pay attention to details such as privacy space and time sense when negotiate with others in Japan. Furthermore, Japanese government has done or prepare to take actions to attract FDI to boost its productivity indirectly. Simply, it is a feasible approach to set up a subsidiary in Japan.
Table of Content
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Japan business environment and basic appeals
2.1 Economic influence
2.2 Social influence
2.3 Political influence
2.4 Legal influence
2.5 Environmental influence
2.6 Basic appeals
3. Cultural issues investigation
3.1 Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck Framework
3.1.1 Relation to nature
3.1.2 Material or spiritual
3.1.3 Time orientation
3.1.4 Responsibility to others
3.1.5 Trust and control
3.1.6 View of personal space
3.2 Hofstede Framework
3.2.1 Power distance
3.2.2 Individualism vs. Collectivism
3.2.3 Masculinity vs. Femininity
3.2.4 Uncertainty avoidance
3.2.5 Long Term Orientation
4. Government Attitude
4.1 Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
4.2 Tax incentives
4.3 Consultations opened
5. Recommendation
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction