Hcs 335 - Ethical Decision
Autor: Samantha Francis • February 15, 2016 • Coursework • 452 Words (2 Pages) • 1,220 Views
Samantha Francis
Ethical Decision
January 24, 2016
Ethical decision making is basic ideas in applies ethics, such as utilitarianism, rights, justice, virtue, and the common good. According to my knowledge an event in my life that I can recall I had to make ethical decision, last week at my job working as dietary associate I always have to recognize an ethical issue. I had a patient that is restricted diet which was renal, low- sodium diet. The patient is restrict from any food source that is relate to. According to "Renal Diet Restrictions" (2015) no added salt with a limit of 1 cup/day, high protein, low potassium which means no oranges, orange juice, bananas, tomato/prune juice or baked potato. No added salt is a liberalized low salt diet, also fluid restriction is usually ordered. This patient had order from food service cheeseburger with fries along with keptup and two cola.
My thought processing to identify at least two ethical theories, was these method that I approach. 1. Considering all these approaches, which option best addresses the situation. For example: “ instead of giving the patient cheeseburger substitute without the cheese, get an hamburger on white bun bead, this will rules out salt but still have high protein. However, I still have to figure out how to avoid keptup which pertain to tomato that is restricted. 2. Evaluate alternative actions, evaluate which option will produce the most good and do the least harm. For example; “ I understand my patient wants to eat something similar to home meal or easy their way into something they normally have at home that is not healthy or good for their medical condition basic on food can lead into harm that can mess up the kidneys by having cheeseburger as simple as it seems and two cola’s. But these items can be very harmful, eating poorly or in the end of life situation, here are many factors to consider with a renal diet.”