Immigration Case
Autor: gamoreno89 • June 17, 2014 • Research Paper • 2,199 Words (9 Pages) • 954 Views
Illegal Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues of today is of illegal immigrants all over the world but especially Mexico. Illegal immigrants are people who leave one country to settle permanently to another without government permission. Illegal immigrants desire a pleasant life so they struggle crossing the dangerous border by the desert just to have a pleasing life. The most well-known immigrant country is the United States because of their way of living and benefits they provide to the people. Immigration should be legalized for number of reasons, but the three most important reasons is because we should give them the opportunity for a better life, help us economically, and less people will die getting across illegally and leaving family behind.
America is sometimes referred to as a "nation of immigrants" because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursuing their vision of the American dream. There has been an argument that immigrants have threaten American life by creating unemployment by taking jobs from American workers, using much needed social services, and invade on the "American way of life." While these arguments may seem valid to many, they are almost overwhelmingly false, and more than likely confused with the subject of illegal immigration. According to the article “Pro-Immigration groups in the United States” written by Susan Carcello stated “In fact, immigrants actually improve American life by creating, not taking jobs, encourage social service funds through tax payments, and bring valuable technical knowledge and skills to our country.” Immigrants do not just go to another country to steel jobs or make the citizens struggle with life they just come to live a better life and that helps the citizens by doing the work they do not want. For example an American citizen will not like to work at McDonalds for example if he can get a much better life.
Americans should have the power to let other people come into their country to share what we have and not be selfish. Leroy Quintana one said “The problem with this is that people do not like other people having what they have,” which it is all true because once people start having their own things they do not want to share with others. Immigrants starve to death because labor in their country is so cheap they cannot even give their family shelter and food most of the time. Many people discover the American dream which is a dream that has a high-paying job that you can support you children with everything they need. In the book Enrique’s Journey written by Sonia Nazario, stated “Lourdes can barely afford food for Enrique and Belky her kids, and she has never been able to buy them a toy or a birthday cake.”(Nazario 4). Lourdes is the mom of two children which she worked very hard and cannot feed her kids.