Legalizing Marijuana
Autor: rebgarn • January 30, 2014 • Research Paper • 2,784 Words (12 Pages) • 1,609 Views
When you look at the problems facing America, you can see that one crime is possession of marijuana, or otherwise known as weed. There are many factors one should consider before outlawing something that is all natural and has great benefits. For the main reasons of the sole purpose of legalizing marijuana are pros, cons and economical growth. This paper will discuss the legalization of marijuana and the privileges and rights that follow. This paper will also examine the solutions of a debate from the views of utilitarianism and virtue ethics as well as relativism and ethical egotism.
When you think about legalizing marijuana, the first thing you think of is being able to smoke and not have to hide. This is one fact that most people hide. For example: when you smoke cigarettes you pull nicotine into your lungs and can cause a tar build up. When you smoke marijuana you are inhaling antioxidants that can benefit you more than harm you.
There are many health benefits to smoking marijuana. Studies show that marijuana can reduce the risk of heart failure when smoked in moderation. According to some studies done by the ACRC (American Cancer Research Center), when participants engaged in a week long study trial of the affecting drug, one who smoked marijuana showed great signs of health while on the other hand the one who did not showed no change. The American Cancer Research Center, states when one who chooses to smoke a natural product instead of taking man made drugs sometimes has a better outcome.
Another positive outcome is the control on diabetes and controlling sugar levels. According to the American Medical Journal, one who smokes marijuana in small moderations can be considered almost cured of the disease that has sent their insulin producing glands into hyper drive and stop the over producing to control selective memory. When you take pills, they can make your body do other things that it would naturally not do and when you smoke your lungs get all the antioxidants it so desperately desires.
Another pro of marijuana is the reduction in crime. If you were to look at one of the most drug offenses in our jails now other than murder it would be a charge for possession of marijuana. This is one thing our society deems wrong, but if you really look at it, is it not a plant that is naturally grown? How can society deem this wrong when there are harsher drugs out there that do more damage than a plant? This is an example of utilitarianism; one who thinks a wrong is done but yet has not weighed the ups and downs or the prospect of change, nor wants to change. If you take the statistics crime will drop dramatically when marijuana is legalized.
Another pro would be our economical stability. Our government waste such time donating on the unfair of narcotics in America, but yet to realize that this plant is harmless. We could relieve ourselves from debt and grow as we have foreseen. Most of the