Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Paper
Autor: Amber Mall • May 9, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,237 Words (5 Pages) • 1,321 Views
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Paper |
Amber Kluever |
2/14/2016 |
As a college student, you must be able to have accredited academic research. Appropriate research consists of valuable information to the educators. When writing an appropriate academic paper is to search for information in the school library or public libraries. Most information that comes from libraries is reliable information. By finding journals in a library you are able to produce reliable information, compare research, and have an in-depth look of information to provide for the educator.
The article that this paper will look at is, “Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse by Adolescents, A Qualitative In-Depth Study”. The article focuses on twenty-six sexually victimized teenagers that consist of twenty-three girls and three boys from the ages of fifth teen to eighteen. The method they used for qualitative research is fact-to-face interview on different aspects. Quantitative correlation research was collected to identity factors associated with disclosures.
The study chose to do qualitative research design and combined with analyses. The qualitative interviews had been shown to be an effected for this research study. The study chooses to do it like this because it is a deeper approach to the survivor’s stories than a survey and they can see their expressions. They questions the study focuses on had to deal with sexual abuse, had they told the abuse to somebody or reported the abuse, what where the motives for not reporting the abuse, and any factors that are related to the research with disclosure and reporting.
They went through various efforts to recruit teenagers who had experienced CSA. The teenagers who were interested in the study were asked to contact one of the researches by phone or email. They then arranged meetings for the initial interview. Most of the interviews where help at the University of Children’s Hospital Zurich.
Qualitative data analysis software Atlas.it was used for the collection of data. The qualitative research approach build into categories of codes. They then input data into large categories of families. At the end of the categorization process, interpreter reliability of categories was reevaluated. They then finalized the data then re-elevated the date to make sure it was correct.
The study did face some limitations. The study was a sample of large qualitative research, and can face the risk of selection bias. One bias the study could face is they have three males and a large number of girl’s dues to their fears of the males being embarrassed or exposed. Even with the bias the study could face, the results where successful.
Quantitative methods, qualitative methods, scientific method, and mixed methods will always be needed in the human service field. In the human service field there will always be the need of research. Research changes as problem arise such as the rising numbers of homeless people, child abuse, unemployment, or housing applicants. The workers must be able to stay on top of the research to average their funding for their organization. For example, child abuse is a rising problem in the United States. By using quantitative research would be the number of individuals that face child abuse due to their own abuse as a child. Qualitative research would involve the information from specific individuals, such as their thoughts of how and why they are abusing their children. Qualitative research can be used to explore common experiences of the individuals to develop theories for the research and quantitative research can be used to explain whether an intervention influences as outcome for the group of abusers.