Research Strategy Paper
Autor: Nicole • April 22, 2012 • Essay • 876 Words (4 Pages) • 1,793 Views
Research Strategy Paper
In my day to day life my main problem is procrastination, a lot things I do is at the last minute. This problem hasn't cost me anything significant yet, but I know that I must work on it before it gets to that point. Some projects or papers that I’ve had due have been done just hours before or no more than one day before the due date. These actions do have some effect on my grades and leaves a level of uncertainty when submitting my assignments because sometimes I rush through things, not allowing myself to perform at my best. Procrastination will not cause me to fail because I am determined to make it one of my strengths. I am currently taking my time more seriously, as I’ve had to find different ways to understand and minimize procrastination. I personally know that stopping procrastination will not happen overnight it will take time and patience. Ironically, the main thing a procrastinator has to work on. I plan to work hard at minimizing and not allowing it to effect my schooling, and also use it in my career/work life.
In order to complete my goal of solving my procrastination problem I will search articles and tips from the internet. I will look for ways to such as being better organized and such things that will help me get started on my goal. I will also check magazines and news papers for columns on how to beat procrastination. Another option would be taking classes that help with procrastination such as organizational classes and time management classes. Therapy is also an option to beating procrastination I could gather information from consults from therapists on what steps to take on beating therapy. I will also pray about my procrastination and seek wisdom from God on what steps I should take to beat this issue.
The process that I will use in evaluating the information will be the steps and tasks that are best suited for me. Basically I will take into consideration what will help me and improve me as a person, while still being able to allow me to not have to expend too much of my extra time. I will also evaluate how the information has worked for other people with the same problem. For example some people have success stories on how they have beaten procrastination well I will judge peoples comments and stories on how it has made them more successful or how it has worked for them.