Report on Community Service "our Generation, Our Hope'
Autor: muniraiman • September 2, 2012 • Essay • 347 Words (2 Pages) • 2,061 Views
Report on Community Service “Our Generation, Our Hope’
SK. Tikolod Tambunan
On the 20th April 2012, one event was held which is the Community Service at the SK Tikolod Tambunan with the theme, “Our Generation, Our Hope. The event was organized by 49 students which is us, come from BBA Marketing and BBA Economy semester 3 students. Our lecturer, Madam Cynthia and Miss Emyliana are present with us as an official attendant of this community service. The purpose of the event is one of the requirements in the Personal Development (MGT538) course.
On the day of the event, a lot of activities have been done by us and it is more on to the students of SK. Tikolod. The activities that been held including the exercise dance, motivation talk, interactive games and art program. The purpose of the activities is to exposes to all of the primary students the important of learning and study. Also, they learn the new thing on how to draw on the t-shirts. Furthermore, a lot of games that organized by us required the teamwork to finish the game. So, there is a good outcome that we have because when the kids play the games, they learn how to communicate effectively and how to make good work that give benefits to the team. Another program that we have is the Mini Garden Project. The purpose of this project is to make the school area look more attractive. Also, this mini garden becomes the symbolic of UiTM students that make community service here.
By organizing this event, we have learned a lot of thing during the day. One of the things that we learned is the team management. We learn on how to communicate with each other and manage to work in a one organized team. When we communicate, we will receive clear instruction to do work. Another thing is, by community service, it is very beneficial to us because, all the people in the class getting more close and friendly to each other. So,