Social Policy in Australia That Has a Negative Impact
Autor: gnyongesa • March 27, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,536 Words (7 Pages) • 1,709 Views
Social Policy is defined as a principle or rule of dealing with social issues. social policy relates to ways that seek to improve and make the living condition to be conducive as possible to human welfare. Social policy being part of public policy and it entail ensuring the public has access social programs being offered by the government. It aims to improve human standards of living and welfare in order to meet human needs for education, food, health, housing and social security. Academically, social policy refers to the study of the welfare state and its responses to social need. It entails the study of the social relations that enhances human wellbeing and systems by which the wellbeing may be enhanced.
Lets consider for a moment the things that make our lives worth living: services such as health care and education; livelihoods such as a job and money; important but intangible things, such as love, care and security. Now lets think of ways in which this things can be organized: by government and other bodies; through businesses organizations , social groups and charities, local associations such as churches and community based groups; through everyone in the community like neighbors, families and loved ones. Understanding and getting well endowed with this things is a part of Social Policy.
Australia is federated (commonwealth of Australia), with states in the mainland and islands, and other territories, with both a central government and other governments in each of the states, islands and territories that constitute it. The Federal Government addresses issues on social policy broadly and provides funds states who administer and implement the various programs. Australia's welfare state has been diminishing gradually over the past few years. This paper is going to evaluate the concept of social exclusion in Australia's social housing policy
This paper seeks to focus on the issue of the current housing policy that is adopted in Australia. Public housing is usually is provided by the government departments of the state and territories, with funding provided by state and central governments. There are over 300,000 public housing dwelling, consisting of low density housing located in suburban areas, and also city high rise apartments in Melbourne and Sydney. most public housing was built around 1945 when the first Commonwealth State Housing Agreement was signed. In those days, there was a shortage of housing units and this mass housing projects were initiated to provide housing to soldiers and their families after the world war II. The governments in recent past are less willing to build new public housing estates and provide for them. In 1950s and 1960 there was a construction of high rise estates in Melbourne and Sydney that was aimed at improving