Sports Med
Autor: Swing Liu • November 10, 2016 • Study Guide • 2,330 Words (10 Pages) • 741 Views
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KIN 247 Part 2 Study Guide
- Leadership and Communication
- Definition
Leadership vs. power:
Leadership- the behavioral process of influencing individuals towards set goals
Power- the ability to influence the behavior of individuals
Power inherent in leadership
- Types of Power
- Expert power knowledge
- Legitimate power status
- Referent respect
- Reward reward
- Coercive punishment
- Key components of Chelladurai’s Multidimensional Model
- Leadership predictors
- Situational characteristics leader & group
- Leader characteristics personality & experience
- Member characteristics age & ability level
[pic 1]
- Behavior Modification, Type of Feedback, Reinforcement vs. punishment
- Behavior modification: reinforcement structure environment[pic 2][pic 3]
- individual: task focused
- effective: acquiring new skills[pic 4]
productivity[pic 5]
technique errors/behavioral problems
- ineffective: skill maintainence
- *public influence
- Types of feedback:
- Intrinsic: inherent in the movement itself
- Visual/auditory/kinesthetic
- Augmented: provided by an observer
- Knowledge of performance (movement patterns)
- Knowledge of results
- Functions of feedback:
- Informational: corrective movements
- Motivational: incentives increase effort/persistence[pic 6]
- reinforcement: rewards strengthen habits[pic 7]
- feedback MUST BE appropriate to be constructive
- Reinforcement vs. punishment:
- Reinforcement: increase behavior
- Punishment: decrease behavior
- Positive: add stimulus
- Negative: remove stimulus
- Positive coaching (sandwich approach)
- Praise and approval of coaches
- motivational
- peer pressure/public recognition
- 4 components of effective modeling
- attention* remove distractions
- retention code, organize & rehearse visual info
- motor production skill progression & practice
- motivation encourage and reward
(flow chart)
- Sport Socialization
- Socialized into, through and out of sport
- Into sports:
- The person’s ability and characteristics
- Influence of key socialization agents (parents/coaches/peer/siblings)
- Availability to play and succeed in sports
- Through sports:
- Positive and negative
- Relationship and characteristics changes
- Identity development
- Self schema
- Out of sports:
- Injuries/exploitation/victimization
- Significant changes to the individual’s life (unrelated to sports)
identity loss[pic 8]
- Key socializers of sports participation
- Parents
- Self-perceptions
- Learning opportunities
- Attitudes and values toward sport
- Coaches/experts
- Siblings
- Peer/friends
- Other significant adults
- Eccle’s Expectancy-Value Theory
- 3 distal factors-sport participation, value & expectations of success:
- cultural milieu
- perceptions of socializers & gender roles
- socializers beliefs and behaviors
[pic 9]
- Proximal factors that impact achievement behavior:
- Gender roles
- Parents: (early socialization and play)
- Different expectations for sons and daughters
- Value placed on the activities
- Cultural values
- Societal expectations and beliefs
- Moral Development in Sport
- Instrumental aggression vs. hostile aggression vs. assertiveness
- Instrumental aggression: hurting others to gain an advantage
- Hostile aggression: hurting others out of anger
- Assertiveness: extra effort to achieve a goal
- Blurred lines: hard to distinguish the instinct
- Sports and character building
- Sports DOES NOT build character or characters & context matters!
- How moral characters can be learned
- Social learning theorists:
- Passive learning via modeling/reinforcement/social comparisons
- Structural-developmental theorists:
- Active learning via thinking about values and behaviors
- Factors enhancing character development
- Define sportsmanship
- Model, reinforce and encourage “good” behavior
- Actively discourage “bad behavior”
- Convey rationales
- Always explain “why it’s not okay”
- Discuss moral dilemmas
- Build into practice
- Factors inhibiting positive character growth
- Team cohesion
- Task vs. social cohesion
- Task cohesion: achieve common goals
- Social cohesion: enjoy team members’ companies
- Influential factors of team cohesion
- Team satisfaction
- Conformity
- Stability
- Influential factors of team building
- Level of interdependency
- Role ambiguity
- Role efficacy
- Coactive vs. interactive sports
[support, mutual respect, communication]
- Coactive sports: less interaction/coordination for the achievement of goals
- Golf, rifle, bowling
- Interactive sports: team sports
- Volleyball, basketball
- Strategies to increase team cohesion
- Develop team pride/unity/identity
- Open communications
- Recognize & value contribution of each member
- Common goal
- Team meetings to resolve conflicts
- Stay in touch w team leaders
- Audience Effects
- Crowd/spectator characteristics believed to contribute to “home field advantage”
- Fandom
[pic 10]
- Negative audience effects on athletes’ personal/professional lives, on and off field
- Expectation Effects
- Stages of the self-fulfilling prophecy
- Expectations are formed
- Person cues gender/size/race
- Performance cues
- Expectations affect behavior
- Perceived expectancy quantity/quality of feedback & instructions[pic 11]
- Coach behavior athlete performance & behavior[pic 12]
- degree of skill improvement
- perceptions of competence & self esteem[pic 13]
- athletes’ effort
- Athlete performance conforms to initial expectations
- Individual difference
- Reinforce beliefs
- Most effected:
- Children
- Late-maturing adolescents
- Stereotyped groups (race, gender, etc.)
- How to avoid
- Skill assessment based on athlete’s effort
- Flexible/revisit coaching decisions
- [time] treat everyone equally
- corrective instructions to skill errors (all skill levels)
- skill development/improvement > absolute performance