A Survey of Trust - Computer Science and the Semantic Web
Autor: namasteall2000 • January 26, 2012 • Research Paper • 9,151 Words (37 Pages) • 1,739 Views
A Survey of Trust
in Computer Science and the Semantic Web
Donovan Artz and Yolanda Gil
Information Sciences Institute
University of Southern California
4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292
+1 310-822-1511
March 15, 2007
Trust is an integral component in many kinds of human interaction,
allowing people to act under uncertainty and with the risk of negative
consequences. For example, exchanging money for a service, giving access
to your property, and choosing between conflicting sources of information
all may utilize some form of trust. In computer science, trust is a widelyused
term whose definition differs among researchers and application areas.
Trust is an essential component of the vision for the Semantic Web, where
both new problems and new applications of trust are being studied. This
paper gives an overview of existing trust research in computer science and
the Semantic Web.
Keywords: Trust, Web of Trust, Policies, Reputation
To appear in Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World
Wide Web, 2007.
1 Introduction
Trust is a central component of the Semantic Web vision (Berners-Lee 1999; Berners-Lee et
al 2001; Berners-Lee et al 2006). The Semantic Web stack (Berners-Lee 2000; Berners-Lee et al
2006) has included all along a trust layer to assimilate the ontology, rules, logic, and proof layers.
Trust often refers to mechanisms to verify that the source of information is really who the source
claims to be. Signatures and encryption mechanisms should allow any consumer of information
to check the sources of that information. In addition, proofs should provide a tractable way to
verify that a claim is valid. In this sense, any information provider should be able to supply upon
request a proof that can be easily checked that certifies the origins of the information, rather