Analying a Web Page
Autor: neenee1980 • December 14, 2013 • Essay • 617 Words (3 Pages) • 1,200 Views
Analyzing a Web Page
The website chosen is Community Action Committee known as ( The Community action committee helps the Knox County residences with getting information that is needed and guiding them in the right direction for assistance in healthcare, housing, and services for children and seniors. According to Widener University and Wolfram Memorial Library, the four different ways to determine if a website is credible is the authority, the accuracy, the currency and last the objectivity.
When checking for the authority of the website there should be the person or person’s information that are responsible for the initial post. That means the name of each person involved should be posted on the website so there is credit where credit is due. On the website was chosen there’s a specific person listed as the Executive contact of the CAC along with individual names, phone and fax numbers, and email contact for each neighborhood. I did not see a copyright date on the website but all the information concerning the webpage is listed such as address, and phone numbers.
Accuracy is the second point to look for when checking a website. This is done by making sure the information has sources and can be checked this is important. Dates are something that is crucial when checking the accuracy of a website. Making sure that all the sources are not second hand and came from a reputable source is what to look for.
When checking the accuracy the sources is the most important factor because you want to make sure that you are covered. Check for grammatical errors, how professional the site looks is also a sign if the website is a legitimate site. The website used is very professional looking with large amounts of useful information and links for residences to use that are easy to navigate. The third thing that helps us figure out if the website is credible before you use it for your assignment.
Currency is checking timelines and dates of the information that was added.