Cisco System, Inc. - Identifying Anomalies
Autor: Gregory King'ori • November 3, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,698 Words (7 Pages) • 726 Views
Identifying Anomalies
Cisco System, Inc. is an American multinational firm involved in the designing, manufacturing and sale of networking equipment across the world. It is the world’s largest networking company and hence incorporates numerous partners across the world. The organization has been in operation since 1984 providing its customers and related partners with the most innovative network solutions. In this regard, the organization prides its products and services by providing its consumers and partners with effective networks that are more secure to protect company data and intellectual property. Through the use of intrusion detection systems customers and partners utilizing the cloud services and managed services programs can rest assured that they will be informed of any anomalous traffic that could lead to potential security events. This report will explain ways of identifying anomalies in network traffic, determining legitimacy of traffic, security events that may cause anomalous traffic and the controls and defense mechanisms to mitigate these threats.
Network Traffic in Identifying Security Event
In the current modern market, global and international companies have recognized the internet as a useful tool for effective establishing effective and efficient business relationships. This is possible through quicker communication techniques that synchronize data between an organization and its various customers. Despite the competitive advantage gained by corporations that practice these techniques, numerous attackers are online to effectively curtail progress in the firm. Some of the ways that Cisco Systems Inc. can employ in tracking a network security event is through identifying traffic volume, bandwidth use and protocol use (Wadner, 2013). In this regard, organizations utilizing cloud and managed service programs by Cisco will be able to identify a security event. The consumers of this infrastructure will usually apply a particular traffic volume on their various cloud services. Through the support services received from Cisco an organization will be able to identify significant influx in traffic volume that may indicate a security event.
Malware is a regular threat to any business as it hampers its ability to secure company data. This is particularly in the age of the Internet of Everything where nearly the entire world is connected and seeking to explore weaknesses identified in a network. The malware infections that include Stuxnet and Regin viruses could attack the business operations data of an organization and effectively infect the entire servers of the firm crushing all of its data (Wadner, 2013). Therefore, through the use of cloud services provided by Cisco an organization will effectively observe all the users that are logged in to their networks and keep away unauthorized third parties. The network traffic and bandwidth use can also enable the firm to identify the users that appear as a trusted host but are instead IP spoofing. This will ensure the spoof monitors the on-going company transactions which may lead to a ransomware attack. Such cybercrimes have been identified as more prevalent according to Cisco cyber security researchers and the involved personnel have taken it upon themselves to significantly protect vulnerabilities to such security events.