Creating a Comprehensive Understanding
Autor: Chris Gordon • December 3, 2018 • Research Paper • 525 Words (3 Pages) • 695 Views
Creating a Comprehensive Understanding
Walter Gordon
Old Dominion University
November 28, 2018
Theory of Routine Activity
Research conducted by (Leukfeldt, 2016) revealed that Routine Activity Theory (2016) can be applied to the impacts of data theft on society by focusing on the reason behind the crime. The research utilized an analytical framework to by a sample of (N = 9,161) to study six cybercrimes and measure the effects of value, visibility, accessibility, and guardianship on victimization (Leukfeldt, 2016). This sample set is larger than previous studies conducted in the same discipline which provides a consistent conclusion. The analysis shows that visibility maintains a clear role in cybercrime victimization while accessibility and capable guardianship show varying results. The study conducted by Leukfeldt (2016) reveled a similarity in Gallaher’s (2006) study in that the motivation of a criminal to commit a crime is financial gain. The monetary value in a crime is mentioned by all three studies as being a viable constituent to the problem.
The study of General Deterrence Theory (2009) in the methods used by organizations to protect data revealed that police have a significant impact because they control the apprehension/arresting of cyber criminals. According to General Deterrence Theory (2009), individuals that commit cybercrimes do so because of the inability or lack of effort to pursue and convict them of the crime. Koksal (2009) states that higher levels of perceived risk of punishment are associated with lower levels of self-reported criminality. The anonymity that the internet provides attracts a higher percentage of criminals. Deterrence is grounded on the concept of punishment and that individuals are aware of the consequences associated with the crime. The lack of a unified law that doesn’t vary state to state is another deficiency in implementing General Deterrence Theory as a crime control.
The study of Economic Theory in the economic effects of cybercrime in America revealed that monetary gain is a vital part of cybercrime. This relates to the absence of sufficient financial allocation towards cyber security resources. “Economic theory holds that an organization should evaluate its optimal-level cyber security investment by equating the marginal benefit it receives from an additional “unit” of security with the marginal cost of achieving that “unit” (Gallaher, 2006). The conclusion of his research reveals that a company’s cyber security investment is equivalent to any other essential business investment. Economic theory revealed no conflicts but did share common ground within Leukfeldt’s study (2006) on the Theory of Routine Activity in the analytical approach taken to gather and analyze data. In using an analytical approach, both studies came to a diverse and concrete conclusion of their research.