Data Mining Lab
Autor: zhangreqing • February 3, 2017 • Coursework • 1,368 Words (6 Pages) • 1,052 Views
MIS 510 Lab 1: APIs
January 31, 2017
• Learn how to use R Studio and some basic R syntax
• Learn to use APIs to get social media data
• 1. Using the Twitter API: get a list of trending topics in Tucson
• 2. Using the LinkedIn API: get your basic profile information
Create an R Working Directory
A working directory is a directory where you can store all the data and code files for a programming project. Create or choose a working directory on your computer for this course.
Then, we need to tell R where to find it. Open R Studio. Go to Session > Choose Working Directory > Set Working Directory, and set the Working Directory for this project.
Using files
Go to File> New File > R Script. This opens up a new file, in which you can store long snippets of code. In your blank file in, type in the following. ( # makes this line a comment).
# MIS 510 Lab 1
To save a file, go to File > Save.
R Studio will automatically prompt you to save the file in your working directory. Save the file and close the tab with the file.
Now, try opening it: Got the File > Open. You should be able to see the file you just saved because we are still in the Working Directory.
Basic R Syntax
Installing Packages
Most of the time when you in R, you will need to use libraries. There are several R libraries you will need to install for this lab. To install packages, use the R command install.packages('package-name'). After installation, you will need to load the packages. For this lab, we will need to install and load the following packages:
You may also want to cache authentications to make execution faster. This is optional.
Assign value
Now let’s cover some basic R syntax. To assign values, you can use either ‘=’ or ‘<-’.
R uses vectors for many operations. You can create vectors with the c(...) function: Show/print values
When we print this, it is a two dimensional vector:
To concatenate elements of a vector, use paste. We can also use this to concatenate two