Database System and Administration - Msc It
Autor: andrew • April 3, 2011 • Study Guide • 2,082 Words (9 Pages) • 2,087 Views
Database Assignment
Database System and Administration - MSc IT
Idrees Hamood Issa Al-Rashdi
December, 2010
1. Entity Relationship Diagram (Task 1)…………………….…….3
2. Relations & Attributes of the Database (Task 2)...………….…6
a. Database Relations………………………………...........6
b. Attributes characteristics…………………………...….8
3. Normalization (Task 3)…………………………………………..10
a. First Normal Form (1NF)……………………………...11
b. Second Normal Form (2NF)……………………………12
c. Third Normal Form (3NF)………………………..……13
4. Database Administration (task 4)…………………………….…14
a. Database security………………………….……………14
b. Authorization rules…………………………….….……15
c. Backup and Restore……………………………….……16
5. SQL Query (Task 5)………………….………………….….……17
a. Database Tables SQL statements…………….………..17
b. GROUP BY and INNAR JOIN queries………………19
6. Reference…………………………………………………………20
Entity Relationship Diagram (Task 1)
P&G has a single global database called "Corporate Standards System (CSS)", it make management of products information painless by cataloguing the technical standards of all products and organizing them in one place. CSS has the following main entities with their attributions.
1. Technical Standards
- Card_name
- Card_code(PK)
- Product_code(FK)
- Region_name(FK)
- Packaging_code(FK)
- Material_code(FK)
- Card_description
- Employee_ID(FK)