Fast Food Privacy Issues Related to Cyberspace
Autor: Alicia Frazier • November 6, 2016 • Research Paper • 2,678 Words (11 Pages) • 910 Views
IA #4- Fast Food Privacy Issues Related to Cyberspace
Alicia M. Frazier
CSEC 620- Human Aspects in Cybersecurity
Professor Tesfay Yohannes
24 July 2015
Table of Contents
- Introduction Page 3
- The Mission Statement Page 3
- Fast Food Privacy Policy Page 5
- Recommendations Page 7
- Conclusion Page 9
- References Page 10
- Introduction
Today, more and more of our life is being lived online; with this figurative explosion of the internet, privacy issues have become a major concern of consumers and businesses, which in turn has made privacy issues a greater concern of many governments. Meta data, social media, and location data has become even more of an issue concerning privacy issues. In varying industries personal information is stored, transmitted, and shared in many ways as technology has made it possible for large amount of information to be available and accessible to others. Since data has become more obtainable, people are more aware of the information that they are willing to share (UMUC, 2013). Many people are uneducated about who collects their data and why businesses collect immense amounts of information for marketing purposes. There is so much attention on social media, Hospital industries, search engines, eCommerce, telecommunication, and other sectors use of personal information. One of these sectors is the fast food industry. Unbeknownst to many customers, businesses like Burger King, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s collect personal and private information for both marketing and customer improvement reasons. Consequently, with adverts businesses are able to better serve their customers based on the data collected which might better appeal to their interest. More essentially, are businesses addresses the issues of privacy appropriately? These issues should be addressed along with governments putting mechanisms into place in order to protect personal information of their customers.