Key Trapping
Autor: Andelp Mangulad • January 29, 2016 • Lab Report • 1,356 Words (6 Pages) • 736 Views
Key Trapping
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
- Trap inputs for a textbox (such as letters, numbers and other keys or symbols).
- Use and apply input mask for a MaskedTextBox.
- Use a combobox.
- Use a listbox.
- Differentiate combobox from listbox.
- Use a radio button.
- Differentiate radio button from checkbox.
- Use DateTime Picker to display the current date and time.
- Use DateTime Picker to automatically compute age.
1. Draw an interface like this. (Note: Don’t mind the text of the textboxes and listbox yet, these will be done with the next steps - setting properties)
[pic 1]
[pic 2]
2. Set the control’s names in the properties window as follows. Name the form frmInputValidation.
[pic 3][pic 4]
3. Set the following additional properties for each control:
Control/Object | Property | Value |
frmInputValidation | Text | Input Validation |
ControlBox | False | |
StartPosition | CenterScreen | |
FormBorderStyle | FixedDialog | |
txtStudID | Text | None |
Mask | 00-00000 | |
txtFName | Text | None |
CharacterCasing | Upper | |
txtMName | Text | None |
CharacterCasing | Upper | |
txtLName | Text | None |
CharacterCasing | Upper | |
lstCollege | Items | Click the ellipsis then type the following: Choose a College CICS CPAD COE CIT CVM |
cbCourse | Items | Click the ellipsis then type the following: BSIT BSCS ABPA BSECE BSINTECH ABPolSci BSMath |
dtBDay | CustomFormat | MM-dd-yyyy |
txtAge | Text | None |
ReadOnly | True | |
txtHeight | Text | None |
Mask | 0.00 | |
lblDateTime | Text | None |
btnClear | Text | &CLEAR |
btnClose | Text | C&LOSE |
rbMale | Text | Male |
rbFemale | Text | Female |
gbGender | Text | Gender |