Operating System Computer Architecture
Autor: hellosea1 • January 9, 2016 • Research Paper • 3,237 Words (13 Pages) • 1,208 Views
By complete this assignments, researcher had done a thorough investigation on a modern computer system. In this modern age, most of the people using computers to carry out our daily life activities, however they do not know how the computer carries out its memory management and uses the central processing unit (CPU) in order to carry out the processes necessary to running the program. In this assignment, I will briefly discuss about the concept of Microsoft Window 7 operating system and penetrate deeply to find out how the Microsoft Window 7 operating system manages memory including strategies used, problems faced by those techniques moreover with solutions to overcome it and so on. Along this research, a lot of method was used to enhance the research result evidence such as online documents, articles, lecturer slides, journals and trusted information websites.
Table of Content
No. | Title | Pages |
1.0 | Abstract | 1 |
2.0 | Introduction | 3 |
3.0 | Section 1 Question 1: Memory management Figure 1 Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Figure 1.7 | 4-10 |
4.0 | Section 2 Question 2: Register Figure 2 Figure 2.1 | 11-17 |
5.0 | Limitation | 18 |
6.0 | Conclusion | 19 |
7.0 | Reference | 20-21 |
8.0 | Appendices - FAQs - Gantt Chart | 22-23 |
In first section, the focusing point will be mainly on how Microsoft Window 7 operating system makes use of memory management. There are several ways can be apply to increase the effectiveness of a computer process such as virtual memory, paging, single partition and others.
Then next section will be focus on register. Register is one of the main components of a computer. The register plays an important role when we dealing when speed of accessing the data. There are various types of register in our computer but most of the people would mislead that RAM is a register. Understand the types of register and purpose of it will ease our approach to understand the whole system of a computer.
Section 1: Operating Systems
Question 1: Memory Management
First at all, the operating system (OS) is the software that controls the execution of programs on a processor again manages the processor’s resources also provides services for programmers (William Stallings, 2000). A number of the functions performed by the OS, including process scheduling and memory management, can only performed efficiently and rapidly if the processor hardware includes capabilities to a greater or lesser extent.