The Importance of Ict and Its Contributions
Autor: moto • April 14, 2011 • Essay • 418 Words (2 Pages) • 2,488 Views
The importance of ICT and its contributions:
ICT or information communication technologies are very important to the all organization in the world with this program. ICT change the business system all companies in the world wide. It makes everything easy. ICT support the ability of organizations to manage their resource, increase their productivity, and communicate their policies and market offering. It also increases the connection between the organization and its stakeholders. Moreover it allows organizations to inter to the global market and compete globally as a result; it east to mange with ICTs the manger or the manger is able to know what is happing in all of the branches they have from one place. By anther ward the owner can control the business by ICTs and there is no need for him to travel and visit the branches. On the other hand, customers can collect all information he or she need about the destination they are going to visit the culture, society and development or if they can get a room in certain hotel.
The travel and tourism sector has emerged as one of the most important sectors for developing as well as developed countries. Tourism incorporates many of the features of the information society such as globalization, mobility and information wealth. People from all nations, social rank, professions are potential tourists. Tourism links a worldwide supplier community with consumers, equally distributed worldwide. Its physical and virtual networks enable worldwide traveling, bringing together very distant cultures and habits. The industry is diverse; the size of tourism principals varies from micro to global enterprises. While some are fragmented, other parts, like the airlines, are concentrated into an oligopoly of global alliances. Information systems (IS) in tourism have been among the pioneers of leading edge technology applications: Computer Reservation Systems