A Statistical Review of Hong Kong Tourism
Autor: Moriz Morizyu • November 16, 2016 • Essay • 455 Words (2 Pages) • 1,173 Views
Part 1- Data Identification
With reference to the latest version of “A Statistical Review of Hong Kong Tourism”. Gender: overnight visitors 43% are male, 57% are female. About same day in town visitors’ gender of Hong Kong Female percentage are 54%. The percentage is less than overnight visitors 3 %.46% same day in town visitors are male. The percentage is more than overnight visitors 3%.
Age: Same-day In-town Visitors 16-25 years old have 15 %. It is lower than overnight visitors 1 %. 34 % visitors are 26-35 years old. It is higher than overnight visitors 5 %. Than 27% visitors are 36-45 years old. It is higher than overnight visitors 4 %. Next, 18% visitors are 46-55 years old. It is lower than overnight visitors 5%. Than 5% visitors are 56-65 years old. It is lower than overnight visitors 3 %. Finally, 1% visitors are 66+ years. It is lower than overnight visitors 1 %.
Marital status: overnight visitors 66 % are married, 34 % visitors are others. Than Same-day In-town Visitors 71% is married, 29% is others. Than mean same day in town visitors are married more than overnight visitors 5%.
Occupation: overnight visitors 72 % are working, 8 % are housewife and student and 10% are retired. Same-day In-town Visitors 75% are working, 10% are housewife, 6 % are student, and 7 % are retired. Overnight visitors working are less than same-day-in-town visitors. Housewife and student and 10% are retired. The percentage it is higher than overnight visitors
Travel Arrangement: 89% overnight visitors chose are non-guided tour, 11% are chose guided tour .Same-day-in-town visitors also is the same but they more love non-guided tour. 96% same-day-in-town visitors chose non-guided tour.
The average lengths of stay of overnight visitors are staying 3.4 nights in Hong Kong.
The major differences amongst the market area: The Americas and Europe Africa and the Middle East are staying longest night in Hong Kong. It is 4.0and 4.1 nights. Finally North Asia and Taiwan are staying shortest night in Hong Kong. It is 2.3 and 2.6 nights.