Hacker Ethics Case
Autor: slopp • November 18, 2013 • Essay • 776 Words (4 Pages) • 1,245 Views
Hacktivism involves the use computer networks, and computers to promote things like free speech, human rights, and info ethics. It is used to ensure correct use of technology in regards to activism, protest, and civil disobedience. This term was created in 1996 by the Omega. Cyberterrorism involves the use of Internet attacks in terrorist activities. These acts can be anything spanning from computer network disruption, acts of deliberate, and attacks by way of computer viruses. It is also defined as intentional use of public internet, and networks to create harm for personal goals. A cyberterrorist attack is designed specifically to cause extreme financial harm or a physical violence. Some possible attacks targets for cyberterrorist are military instillations, power plants, air traffic control centers, and the banking industry. It can also be referred to as information war, or electronic terrorism.
Information Warfare involves the use and management of IT in the pursuit of a competitive advantage over and opponent. It includes tactical information, assurance of valid information, and quality undermining of opposing information and denial of opportunities to opposing forces. Information warfare involves many different things. The jamming of television and radio transmissions can be considered as information warfare. When logistics networks are disabled it is sometimes considered to be the result of information warfare. When the stock exchange transactions are sabotaged with leaked information, or electronic intervention. The US Air Force has had information warfare squadrons ever since the 80s. In the 1990s Dutch hackers stole information from the US troop movements from the US department of Defense computers and tried to sell it to the Iraqis. They believed it was fake and turned it down.
Hacker Ethics
Hacker Ethics are the beliefs that sharing information is good and powerful. It is also the belief that it is an ethical duty of hackers to share expertise by writing and sharing open source code, and providing access to information, and computing resources wherever possible. Hacker Ethics also include belief in system cracking for fun and exploration being ethically alright as long as the cracker does not commit theft, breach of confidentiality, or vandalism.